"Y'know, sometimes I wonder if people actually believe what they see on infomercials."

Will shifted the focus of her gaze from the TV set to Claire.

"I mean," the girl continued, "the acting is so obviously fake. It's almost painful to watch them. How do those people even get money to be on television?"

"For one thing, most infomercials air at ungodly hours." Will said this pointing to the grandfather clock in the room, which read one-thirty AM. "They must be cheap. Cheaper than daytime ads, at any rate."

Claire looked even more perplexed. "So then it must be the lack of sleep that gets to people. But who'd be up at those hours anyway?"

"You're so oblivious sometimes, even if you do do it on purpose."

"Will, I took a hit to the head today --"


"Whatever. I took a hit to the head and I lost a considerable amount of blood. Please bear with me." 1