In all honesty, I thought this fic SUCKED. ^^; I wrote it in Spanish 'cuz I really wanted to write something in Spanish, and I'm translating it only because Uncle Sweetie and luvweaver thought I should. ^_~





Otaru, did you know I love you very much? Well, I say it so often, so I'm sure you do. [smiles] But I want you to know that I�ll never, ever, ever stop loving you. I'll love you until�

[eyes shimmer]


�the day I die?

Ne, Otaru, what is "death" ? I don't understand. I know that's what happened to Ieyasu-jiichan and Hikozaemon, but� do all humans have to die? I really don't know. And I don't wanna think about it either, but it just came to me. That's all. That doesn't mean that someone's gonna die�

�that Yumeji's gonna die� or Gennai-jiisan, or� or Hana-chan�

�or Lorelei�



[squeezes eyes shut] No!!!

No, no, not you. Never. Never! Otaru� Otaru, no!

[desperate] What would I do without you, Otaru? How'd I be able to live? Otaru, you showed me how to live; you told me what happiness is, and what sadness is. [more calmly] Because of you, we could rescue Terra II, and because of you, we learned that our maiden circuits are what let us feel emotions and know that you love us and that we love you.

It's true that even if you weren't with us, we would be able to take care of each other.

But it's better not to think about that, right? [smiles]

[thoughtfully] What do Cherry and Bloodberr think? Do they think about things like this? This feels so weird. I don't like thinking about sad things. It brings back memories�

[softly] Remember Squirrely, Otaru? Yeah, you remember. It makes me laugh, because you have to remember. Running through the snow� I felt urgency, Otaru. Urgency, and an indescribable love.(1) It was like� like if I were complete. Like if I had found something I was missing. Honestly, that's how it was, Otaru.

Otaru, I love you very much. But you already know that, right?

You love me. I know you love me. Lorelei loves me. Cherry loves me. Bloodberry loves me. Yumeji loves me very much. And so do Gennai-jiisan and his friends. The Saber Dolls do too, and even Hanagata loves me. Ieyasu-jiichan loved me�(2)

[sadly] Otaru, I feel sad. I don't like feeling sad! But no matter how much I try, I always end up thinking the same thing! Otaru, I don't want to live without you! If you were to die� [tears in eyes] If you� were to die�

[crying] Otaru!!

Otaru� Otaru, no! You told me that� that humans� that humans all die, and- and that means that you�

[a bit more calmly] Otaru� Don't leave� I don't understand� What's death? [melanchol and curious] What happens when someone dies? Can marionettes like us die? Where do people go when they die?

[she nods determinedly] I'll ask Lorelei. She has to know. Please don't be mad, Otaru, but� it's just that� [she blushes] �I want to talk about this with� a woman. [laughs and smiles a bit]

Otaru, I love you very much. Really, I do. [smiles and closes her eyes]

I love you, Otaru�




AN: GUH. ^^;

(1) "I felt urgency�" � who has a better translation for that?? It's originally "Sent�a urgencia, Otaru. Urgencia, y un amor indescriptible." That "urgency" ticks me off. I know it's not the best word, but that's what my mind and the translator are saying. ^^;

(2) "Love" in Spanish can be said two ways. "Querer", which is "to like, to love, to want" ("to want" as in "I want this!" and not that negative connotation you MAY be thinking of� *glare* ^~) and "amar" which is "to love". That paragraph uses forms of "amar" when describing Lime's interpretation about how they feel about Lime for everyone except for Yumeji, Gennai and his companions (which is the literal translation, not "his friends"), the Saber Dolls, and Hanagata. For these, forms of "querer" are used. It makes that much of a difference if you can understand it. ^^;

I'm glad I did this because it helps me practice for when I'll translate things in the future~ ^_^ And Rick-san, you silly guy, I told you I'm from PR! ^_~ Wasn't that clue enough? ^^