Title ‘borrowed’ from a Cardcaptor Sakura song. Translation of the snippet is very clipped… I don’t think I did permanent damage, though. ^^; I love that song.


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Otona ni natte mo wasurenai
Even when we become adults, I won’t forget

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[b]AB Name:[/b] GataFairy [b]Real Name:[/b] Glorea A. Lairren [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]AIM/MSN:[/b] SoubouRadiance / artesia_som_deikun@hotmail [b]Email:[/b] [email protected] [b]How often are you online:[/b] Very regularly. When school is in, I have a bit more trouble squishing the 'net into my schedule, though. [b]Time Zone:[/b] Atlantic Standard Time -- we're one hour ahead of Eastern Standard unless it's Daylight Savings Time, in which Eastern Standard has the same time we do [b]Have you role played before?[/b] Yes [b]Desired Role(s):[/b] Weiss, Francie, Jack [b]Audition[/b] [SIZE=1]The desired rolls are in the order I want to play them most in, but the audition wouldn't work if I wrote for them in that order. I hope that doesn't matter...[/SIZE] [b]Jack[/b] Jack eyed Agent Weiss, his face as stoic as ever, after giving him the briefing for his next mission. He half-expected him to do something wrong -- Weiss was a joker, and though he was very competent as an agent, he still managed to lighten up the mood. Inappropriate though it was, Jack could admit -- albeit only to himself and only for the briefest of moments -- that Weiss never meant or caused any harm. But the man's yo-yo... More than once he had been warned to be careful with it, and yet Weiss still sneaked it away, almost as if in silent protest. Perhaps the toy gave him security. [i]He's a good agent, Jack,[/i] Bristow told himself. [i]That's why you're trusting him with this.[/i] (to Weiss) "You leave in five hours." At the agent's nod, he felt compelled to add something else (and add it he did). (to Weiss) "Be careful." Jack watched Weiss leave, all the while praying the mission would go well. Subconsciously, he knew it would. He had faith in the younger man. [b]Weiss[/b] Weiss nodded at his superior, and just as he turned to leave, caught a final "Be careful." He kept back a small smile, knowing well what Jack Bristow meant, and nodded, keeping a facade of seriousness over his face, which waited non-too-patiently for the chance to be allowed to laugh. (to Jack) "Yes, sir. I'll be leaving now." He gave a polite nod of good-bye and turned and left, guiding himself through the corridors and finally reaching his car. He got in, started the engine, and drove to his apartment to pack. Once there, and along the way, he had finally allowed himself the luxury of laughing at his handler's warning. [i]It's not like I'm gonna trip an alarm or something with my yo-yo -- I'm pretty damn good with the thing, too! I'll bet I could fool motion sensors even if I used it![/i] He closed his suitcase, frowning at the thought of trying to sneak into a building while one of his hands toyed with his yo-yo. (to himself) "Okay, maybe I'm not [i]that[/i] good." Even so, he grabbed the toy from his nightstand and put it in his pocket, smiling to himself as another thought drifted by. [i]At least it'll kill boredom during the flight.[/i] [b]Francie[/b] [i]I'm going to kill him.[/i] Francie admitted it -- Will Tippin was a good roommate and a great friend. He was dedicated to his job, was an excellent reporter, and always tried his best to keep up with his share of the cleaning and keeping friends'-night-out appointments. But sometimes his best wasn't enough. [i]I am going to [/i]KILL[i] him.[/i] She glanced at her watch for the thousandth time that half hour. Her legs were getting tired from standing outside the movie theater for so long. She glanced at Sydney, who, most fortunately for the dark-haired young woman, had arrived on time. (to Sydney) "Listen, Syd, he's probably not coming. Let's just --" Francie stopped short as she saw the blonde in question jogging upto them, and she couldn't help but break into a grin. Nothing made her happier than being with her best friends. (to Will) "You are a very lucky person." She had no intention of telling him why he was lucky, but she knew both he and Sydney understood what she meant. She handed him his ticket and together the three walked inside the building. - AB Username: GataFairy - Real Name: Glorea A. Lairren - Age: 16 - Email address: [email protected] - AIM/MSN screenname: SoubouRadiance (AIM) / Gata ([email protected], MSN, IM only) / game_n_quest_mistress (Yahoo) - Date you joined this board: December 25, 2002 - Time Zone: Atlantic Standard - How often are you online at this boardd? Three to four times a week. - Do you speak any other Language(s)? Iff so, which ones and how well? Fluent Spanish. - Forum(s) you would like to mod: International Alias, Guest Stars & More - Which forum of this board do you spendd most of your time in and why? Alias Latest Files because I like staying up-to-date and RPG: Web of Lies because I'm a cast member - Do you currently mod any other boards?? If so, which ones? No, none. - Do you have any experience that would make you a good candidate for this job? Moderating and GM-ing a few RPGs… - Have you answered every question with the whole truth and nothing but the truth? Yes. Handler Application - Step 1 [GataFairy] [email protected] 1