You have just entered room "MK Journal RP."
Sapphire Daisuke: My story can be complete with hero and heroine!
Aurorelite: Hello...
SavinSilk: So! As we were. ^^ Now remedied, Zero comes back downstairs WITH Yamagi, the last to arrive, and NOW Wrecka makes introductions, and everyone is theoretically here. ^^
VsVoltaire: How nice.
Illianaka: (And Tukasa and D-chan suddenly feel much more comfortable. ^^;;-)
SavinSilk: So, topics included Hiead and Threatening Thereby of Roose's Life. ^^ Does Yamagi have any topics to discuss with the group?
Aurorelite: Hn... Would the freshman have heard anything about Force's little... show?
VsVoltaire: I think Zero has. (Didn't Force mention that?)
SavinSilk: Force didn't mention it to Zero. ^^ Although he's got something to SAY about Force, certainly.
SavinSilk: I'm QUITE sure that Wrecka has heard a rumor about it already. ^^ (She has contacts among the upperclassmen.) So she'll happily bring it up.
Aurorelite: I mean, Wrecka's big on gossip... I though she could've heard.. .yeah..
Sapphire Daisuke: perhaps
VsVoltaire: That works.
Sapphire Daisuke: I ws thinking she'd know since she's on the Rage Beat staff
SavinSilk: So Wrecka brings up Force. ^^ Who met him at the fair and has a calamity to share besides Zero?
Sapphire Daisuke: Roose hasn't... though he might bring up the topic of scary upperclassmen
Aurorelite: Hn... it's not a calamity, but Yamagi nearly worships Kuro.
SavinSilk: ^_^ We'll segue onto the leaders after Zero's had his rant about Force, then. First he has to share the way Force not only insulted him and other assorted random people, but actually threatened him.
Sapphire Daisuke: Roose will go on about how cool Rio is, and how scary Garu was
SavinSilk: Wrecka shares her own traumatic Garu encounter. ^^ We probably wind up with a support group on THIS...
Sapphire Daisuke: And depending on whether or not they're sitting next to eachother, Roose might glomp Yamagi during his tale of Near-Death
Sapphire Daisuke: He'll glomp Wrecka too (more than once, depending on if he lets go and how drunk he is)
SavinSilk: Oh, Zero also needs to share how Leena actually sent him a get-well care package -- complete with first-aid kit and chicken soup -- after hearing about his brawl with Hiead.
Sapphire Daisuke: Roose will mention his encounter with the scary upperclasswoman (Kyoko) at the drug store who was bitching at the clerk about student discounts.
SavinSilk: The rest of your characters have apparently mysteriously been struck mute. ^^
Sapphire Daisuke: Apparently so.
VsVoltaire: Sorry. Just pretend that Clay is mentally taking notes on all this.
Kawaii Mikochan: Ikhny is just listening because... she's too shy to speak up
Illianaka: Tukasa doesn't have any input...
SavinSilk: You guys. NOBODY is going to stay silent throughout an entire night of drinking and dancing.
Sapphire Daisuke: Roose can't possibly be the ONLY one who gets plastered.
SavinSilk: Your characters WILL wind up saying something at some point. D-san is the only one with an excuse. ^^ Even Ikhny has had encounters with the school she can talk about.
Kawaii Mikochan: Well, when talking about the upper classmen, Ikhny might mention that Kuro was very kind to her... she has a bit of a crush on him ^^;
Sapphire Daisuke: Will she say her opinions on Hiead at all, when he comes up?
Kawaii Mikochan: She'll say that she doesn't talk to him much, because he isn't the nicest person in the world.
Kawaii Mikochan: She will probably feel funny about the subject, and embarassed
SavinSilk: ^_^ That'll prompt yet more discussion about what a jerk he is, and probable rounds of sympathy.
Sapphire Daisuke: Will Roose get a chance to sparkle at anyone?
Sapphire Daisuke: (...silence...)
SavinSilk: Roose will probably have PLENTY of chances. *glares at everyone*
Illianaka: *shrinks* Sorry... Yes, plenty of sparkles...
SavinSilk: Although, really, in this crowd, it may as well just be Roose, Wrecka, Zero, and occasionally Ikhny here.
SavinSilk: ^^
Kawaii Mikochan: Ikhny will become more talkative... after some more drinks ^_^;; I think...
Sapphire Daisuke: Roose isn't one to talk much either, but he doesn't have much alcohol tolerance
SavinSilk: I was under the impression that Clay loved talking, even sometimes if only to hear himself talk. It's a bit odd how he's just, like, asleep with a recorder on here.
Sapphire Daisuke: And I think Yamagi likes to rant, if given the chance.
Aurorelite: And a bit of alcohol..
Sapphire Daisuke: Will Yamagi get as drunk as Roose?
Sapphire Daisuke: For that matter, will anybody?
Aurorelite: I was thinking if Mr. Manly-man-Yamagi had no tolerance to alcohol.
Illianaka: I'm willing to though I have no idea what I'd do... Unless I could start the Yamagi-stalking-ness there...
Aurorelite: But insisted on drinking more than Zero..
Aurorelite: *thinking it would be funny..
Aurorelite: *has had a long day.. -_-;;*
Kawaii Mikochan: Ikhny probably will... because of peer pressure, or something corny like that XD
Kawaii Mikochan: ( sorry for any delays in posting... I'm reading a book as I'm doing this -_-; )
SavinSilk: ^__^ Maybe WRECKA ought to order everybody's drinks.
Sapphire Daisuke: I just want someone else to sing fudged up songs with
SavinSilk: Everyone but her will be dead drunk in seconds. ^^
Aurorelite: (neeh.. I'm moving a huge bookshelf downstairs while doing this... so please excuse the pauses here and there... -_-;; )
Illianaka: ^^;
SavinSilk: (I forgive you both. ^^ )
VsVoltaire: Sorry, I fell off the face of the planet for the last fifteen minutes.
VsVoltaire: I feel much better now.
Aurorelite: ^^;;
SavinSilk: ^_^ Alright.
SavinSilk: A reasonable excuse. ^^
Illianaka: o.o Wait. You mentioned dancing earlier... Ne?
SavinSilk: ^^ Yes. This isn't a bar of the type where you sit down and drink all night -- it's a bar almost totally FOR the college kids. So there's going to be loud music and dancing.
SavinSilk: I was about to mention that Wrecka begs off to go dance for a while. ^^
Illianaka: Okay, right, good... Then... And Tukasa likes dancing and everyone's gotta get drunk at SOME point... Or most of us... So...
Sapphire Daisuke: And let her be patient with the fact that Roose has no rhythm whatsoever. ^_^;
Illianaka: ... I don't know where that train of thought was going but I know I can make SOMETHING out of it...
VsVoltaire: Can any of the guys dance?
VsVoltaire: Well, Zero might have *some* sense of rhythm...
SavinSilk: Zero wants to think he can, but is brutally adverse to actually trying it... just in case he doesn't. ^^
SavinSilk: The idea of not being able to is somehow more embarrassment than he wants to live with. ^^
Sapphire Daisuke: lol
Kawaii Mikochan: Ikhny can't dance at all, and is scared to death of the dance floor
VsVoltaire: Clay refuses, point blank, much to Saki's disapproval.
Aurorelite: I have the sudden urge to make Yamagi break out in the most ridiculous "dances" after getting more drunk than thought possible from just one shot...
SavinSilk: >3
VsVoltaire: Heheh.
Sapphire Daisuke: Roose will think "If Yamagi-kun can do it, I think I can!"
Aurorelite: That wouldn't be OOC if he was *reeeally* drunk, would it?
Aurorelite: ^^;;
Sapphire Daisuke: I just think Yamagi and Roose, both completely plastered and singing old songs out of tune would be like, the greatest bonding moment ever.
Aurorelite: XD!
SavinSilk: ^___^
VsVoltaire: Works for me.
Illianaka: Scary thing is, I can see that... ^^
Sapphire Daisuke: And it'll give Roose more of a reason to worship him. ^_^
VsVoltaire: Yet another thing to put under my label of "vaguely disturbing"
Sapphire Daisuke: LOL
VsVoltaire: I can see Clay cornering someone (probably Ikhny, as she's too polite and shy to get away) and explaining his various conspiracy theories or existential philosophies
VsVoltaire: After about four or five cranberry juice and vodkas.
VsVoltaire: (pink tongue, heheh)
Sapphire Daisuke: And then once he recovers from the hangover he's going to have to send Wrecka ANOTHER apologetic email because of neglecting her as much as (he thinks) he did
Aurorelite: Once Yamagi recovers, he's going to deny any of it happened at all.
VsVoltaire: Ah, if only someone had a camera or video recorder.
VsVoltaire: Does anyone have a camera or video recorder?
Sapphire Daisuke: Someone could tip Kyoko off.
Sapphire Daisuke: She's all into spying and blackmail
Sapphire Daisuke: She's got one. ^_^
Aurorelite: Wrecka could tip Kyoko off... maybe?
Kawaii Mikochan: ( *looks to see what she miss, being absorbed in stupid book* ;e.e )
Kawaii Mikochan: ( she miss... sounds like a cave woman or something )
Kawaii Mikochan: If Clay cornered Ikhny she would just listen to him talk, sort of freaked out and scared ^^;
SavinSilk: ^^ Wrecka doesn't know Kyoko. And she's quite happy dancing and making new friends/allies/etc, even once Roose wandered off. ^^
Aurorelite: Aaah... ^^;;
Sapphire Daisuke: Well, if someone really WANTS there to be a tape of this, Kyoko could've overheard Roose mention it at the drugstore
Sapphire Daisuke: He might've mentioned it to the salesperson, if they were really talkative.
Sapphire Daisuke: Kyoko also has ties to the Rage Beat, so she could've heard about it from there
Sapphire Daisuke: (...silence...?)
Aurorelite: Neeh, the Roose at the drugstore one sounds plausible..
Illianaka: Well... Does she HAVE to?
Sapphire Daisuke: I don't know.
Sapphire Daisuke: It's a fun idea, if you ask me
Aurorelite: *nods*
Sapphire Daisuke: but I'm biased. ^_^;
VsVoltaire: Well, if you don't mind writing more than one entry about the night, then go for it.
Aurorelite: I'm starting to feel a little bad for inner-Yamagi... but... this is just too great of an oportunity...
SavinSilk: ^^
Sapphire Daisuke: ^_^
VsVoltaire: Yes! We have physical evidence!
Sapphire Daisuke: How will the freshmen find out, though?
SavinSilk: *laughs* Good grief, this whole thing with Kyoko is turning out to be too much work. ^^
Illianaka: *sweatdrops*
Sapphire Daisuke: ^_^;;;
Sapphire Daisuke: I'm just asking... Business savvy Kyoko wants to sell copies of it
Sapphire Daisuke: (for a reasonable price, of course. ^_~)
VsVoltaire: My suggestion: eBay. ^_^
Sapphire Daisuke: And I honestly don't mind the extra work.
VsVoltaire: Anyway, you can let it slip out later.
VsVoltaire: We don't need to plan that part now.
Sapphire Daisuke: Alright. ^_^
Sapphire Daisuke: Is there anything else anyone needs me for?
Sapphire Daisuke: My computer is freaking out on me
VsVoltaire: Well, how are we getting home?
VsVoltaire: I suggest a taxi, considering everyone's inebriated state.
Sapphire Daisuke has left the room.
Aurorelite: Hn.. will there be anyone right enough in their minds to think of this (or with enough money left)?
VsVoltaire: Well, Clay planned ahead for this.
SavinSilk: ^^ The guy who made Zero his ID -- Shionbu Hashimoto -- is carting him home. Suppose he's got a truck sort of thing?
Kawaii Mikochan: ooo, a pick up?
Aurorelite: Okay.
VsVoltaire: That works, too.
SavinSilk: ^^ Zero's been sporadically vanishing all night to go socialize with him, so after a while Shinobu noticed how drunk he was getting and decided to take him and his friends home.
Aurorelite: *nods*. And tomorrow, we go to classes?
Aurorelite: Err.. our dorms?
Illianaka: *sweatdrop* I'm so behind... I'm never going on vacation again... We're moving in tomorrow???
SavinSilk: Yep. ^^ Tomorrow Teela and Kuro will be waking everyone up just in time to be greeted with roaring hangovers, and will drag them out whether they like it or not. Hope your packing is done...
Aurorelite: ^^;;;
Aurorelite: Oh, Yamagi is going to love this...
Illianaka: Okay, wait... So does that mean we start classes soon, too???
SavinSilk: ^^ Yeah... Thursday.
Illianaka: ...
Aurorelite: Neeh, D-chan, we need to get our classes plotted out pretty soon, neh?
Illianaka: Tonight preferrably. Gotta get as much out of the way as possible... Otherwise I end up like this, unresponsive and feeling guilty and tired.... >_< And I talk a lot...
Aurorelite: Okie Dokie...
Illianaka: I'm sorry...
SavinSilk: ^^ For future notice, embellishment on the bar expedition is perfectly acceptable within reasonable limits, and Saki's part will have to be worked out.
Illianaka: Embellishment??
Illianaka: *looking for a dictionary*
Illianaka: *got it* .... Okay.
SavinSilk: ^^ Sorry.
Illianaka has left the room.
Illianaka has entered the room.
Illianaka: *twitch* For God's sake! Stupid modem only goes out during SUMMER... >_<
SavinSilk: ^^
Illianaka: I'm sorry.
Aurorelite: Neh? No reason to be..
Kawaii Mikochan: *blink* sooo...
Aurorelite: *raises hand*... question...
Aurorelite: What do we do about our various different instructors? (I mean.. Azuma can't teach every class...)
Aurorelite: ('scuse the redundancy ... did I spell that right?. o.o;;; neeh.. 'scuse the blatant stupidity.. -_-; )
SavinSilk: *gets back~~* Anyway, we've already begun making up professors. ^^
Aurorelite: *nods*.. So there will be a list or something up on the message board by Thursday?
Aurorelite: Neehe... someone please tell me later.. I have to go now... Nice talking with everyone. Good night. ^^
VsVoltaire has left the room. 1