POE needs a SERIOUS life-breathing thing. Aruta'igo, infinite thanks to you for writing your brilliant story. *hugs and clings* Maximum inspiration from you, oh, yes~~. (Not to mention jealousy, but I'll remember to thank you in my acceptance speech for the Best Supporting Actress award. ^_~)

I noticed some mistakes. I once described Celia as a "redhead" and Riley as a "blonde" — that's because this was originally a fanfiction piece. As you can see, I decided this had too much of my psychoticism to not claim as FULLY my own. ^_^ Also! Last chapter, I meant it was Celia's first FULL day at the POE facilities. And FINALLY… Celia spent roughly a year wherever she traveled. "Little girl" isn't meant to be "five-year-old." It's more like "pre-teen." (I'll edit this… someday…)


First Lesson: Protectors of Earth
06. Speeches of the Wind, Pt. 1


A person's thoughts wander to very curious places if allowed to. This is most true of people who want an escape, or those who are just fond of dreaming.

Caged souls long for freedom. A wandering mind is freedom.

One day, a young woman found a most interesting thought in one of these mental travels and held it close. She didn't know if others had thought it, but she knew it was something she liked. She kept it to herself for a long time. And then one day she just let it go. She didn't have the time to care for it as much as she'd like to. Perhaps now some free spirit — an author, or any artist — could find the thought and transform it into something that could be shared.

Something that she, a trapped soul, clearly could not do.

But when she had it, she worded it like this:

I've heard people mention giving walls the ability to speak. I can't say it wouldn't be interesting, since walls see, contain, and hear an infinite amount of people, events, and conversations. However… Hasn't the air been around much longer than walls? What if the wind, the traveling wind that has been all around the world, were to whisper all it's heard to people?

Wouldn't those stories be more interesting than those told by immobile walls?


Italy, 2797

The night sky was heavily clouded. A cold breeze blew through the streets and between the buildings. Most people stayed safe in their homes where it was warm and quiet. The ones that were outside were either going to parties or conducting some sort of business. Only a handful of people were homeless in this area.

This was the rich people's side of the city. All the high class schools were located here. All the best stores claimed hundreds of square feet of the place. The schools consisted of numerous buildings and large grounds, unlike the public schools which had numerous buildings and small grounds. The roofs were, obviously enough, off limits to the students, but at one private school that rule was being ignored by a certain student.

She sat leaning against a small, short wall that was there to prevent falls (not like anyone was supposed to be there in the first place) and looked at the city that stretched out for miles in front of her. The lights faded a bit the further she looked away, and if she listened close enough she thought she could hear gunshots.

She hated that.

It wasn't fair that if people didn't have enough money they had to suffer so much. It was the same everywhere she went to study, no matter the language or the culture or the geographical location.

'Yeah, we live in the best place, don't we,' she thought with a bitter sentiment.

The roofs were always places she liked going to. Whenever she finished her assignments early she would leave and go to the highest part of the building she was in so she could be alone. Alone to think and just have silence. She was always careful about not being caught. But somehow it didn't work out that way on this fateful night.

"You aren't supposed to be up here."

Celia didn't turn to acknowledge the lavendar haired girl who had come up to her.

"Neither are you," she said carelessly.

Harmony crossed her arms. "Lights out was an hour ago and I'm the elected class president. I'm supposed to make sure everyone does what they're supposed to."

"That doesn't mean you can come up here too."

"I was following you."

"Like that makes it any better. If we're caught up here we'll both be in trouble."

Harmony's teal eyes narrowed. She looked fierce for an eleven-year-old girl.

"Come back inside. Now."

Celia appeared to be ignoring her. She spoke after several seconds passed.

"I'll go back inside when I'm ready to."

"You're ready now."

"I don't care if you didn't get what I meant. I want to be alone right now."

"You're always like that!" Harmony frowned, crossing her arms in a sign of extreme annoyance at not being obeyed. "Le notti sono per il sonno, non rimanere fuori tardive ed ottenere ammalate.(1)"

"No me importa(2)," Celia stubbornly replied in Spanish.

Harmony growled inwardly. "Speak Italian!! You're not in Caribe anymore!"

The green-haired girl turned her amber gaze on the class president in an accusatory stare.

"Are you trying to wake everyone up on purpose?"

"Celia, we have to go now before we get caught up here! One of the staff members may be patrolling the halls right now. Come on!"

Celia sighed and stood, turning to face the girl with the long, pale lavendar hair. She glanced at her watch and then walked past Harmony. She stopped at the door.

"Actually, they're just a few halls down ours at this hour." She opened the door and took one step inside. "Thanks for reminding me," she added in a plain tone.

Silence befell the two as they just stood there, Harmony scowling at Celia, Celia returning the look.

"Are you coming or not?" the amber-eyed girl said as if she were challenging the class president.

Harmony gave a smirk-like grin.

"Hmph. That's better."

They descended the via stairway and carefully made their way to their rooms.  

(1) "Nights are for sleeping, not for staying out late and getting sick." - It looks okay enough to ME, but it could be wrong… This came from's translator. -_-;

(2) "I don't care." (Literally, "It doesn't matter to me.") 1