Congratulations!! You have been selected to advance to Step 3 of the Handler Application process. Once again I want to emphasize that Moderators need to be active members of the boards in various forums as well as their apartment and visit the boards regularly. They also must follow all rules and not spam. If you believe this is you, then please continue with step 3. Instructions are below. Step 3 - Activity Planning Task: Set the rules and details for a small building activity. Be creative! No other rules than that. The prize for winners of your game will be friendly money. We may use your activity for real on the board. Email Subject: Handler Application - Step 3 [username] (note: substitute the word username with your AB board name) Deadline: Email your activity details no later than Monday, March 3rd to [email protected] Good Luck! Handler Application - Step 3 [GataFairy] Get ready for a somewhat-morbid, thought-provoking, vaguely creepy little semi-ensemble! Why is it called a semi-ensemble? Because you get to do more than one thing that's fun! Simply put, the objective is to write an epitaph for one of the Alias characters. However, that's only part of the fun. (And I like explaining, so here we go. ^_^) You are not writing the epitaph yourself per se -- you are writing it from the perspective of the character. In other words, you pretend you're the character. (That would be step one.) Now you ask yourself: How do I (the character) want to be remembered? After thinking this through thoroughly (or shortly, if you think more quickly than I do ^_~), you proceed to write an epitaph. Be really creative with this: use metaphors, similes, put in the years of birth and death� The possibilities are endless! One epitaph will be selected as the winning one. The prize is seeing your epitaph mounted (so to speak) in a fanart-ish type of manuplation. I'll display it on my website, too! ^^ And remember: It doesn't have to be super-poetic or mega-eloquent. And don't dare forget to have fun!


Step 4 - "Why Me!?" Essay Task: Write a short essay on why you would be a good choice as Handler and why we should pick you. You can write it as long, or short, as you like, and display it in any form you wish, be creative ;) Email Subject: Handler Application - Step 4 [username] (note: substitute the word username with your AB board name) Deadline: Email your essay as soon as possible but no later than Monday, March 10th to [email protected] Good Luck! Handler Application - Step 4 [GataFairy] "Why me?" I've been asking myself that since I got the Step 2 e-mail in my inbox! I couldn't understand how such dull-looking answers to the Step 1 questions at least vaguely impressed someone -- or did whatever they did -- enough to propel me forward into the count. A finalist. Wow. Even if I don't make it, saying that I was "a finalist" will still have been worth it. ^_^ Reason number one: Discombobulated thoughts. I have opinions and thoughts that usually differ greatly from most people's. I'm used to getting weird looks from other people, and I know what it feels like to get weird looks from other people. A varied staff, one that is capable of seeing almost every point of view (if not all of them) is always a plus. It's vital that regular members feel the boards are fun and light-of-mood, as well as seeing that there will always be someone to back them up. I also don't have a problem with mulling over someone else's reasons for viewing something differently. (Would that be adaptability? Darn�) Reason number two: Empathy. As said above, I know what it's like to be looked at as if I were insane. I also know what it's like to feel ignored, as well as what it is to receive no replies to something you posted excitedly. Empathy. Explanatory in itself, and yet so� not. Rest assured I'll pay attention to the things going on in whichever area I'm appointed to, if I'm appointed to any area. Anything else I am incapable of labeling. I like helping people, and I like trying new things. I'm a spelling, grammar, and punctuation freak, I love meeting new people with similar interests, and I love having fun. Great plots are fun, which makes Alias wicked, which makes the boards great, which leads to a wonderful time visiting, posting, and browsing!

Of course, there is no need to mention that going into the stories of every kingdom would consume an immense amount of time. Skimming even through the most known would take days, possibly weeks. Many stories stand out, but one in particular is very popular among loremasters in Willow Lake. It has been This is that tale.


Kizna had invited Clay and Zero and me to go watch a movie a while ago, but we sort of forgot about it. So when we got to talk again, it suddenly came up. Ikhny was there and she wound up getting invited, so we went off on Sunday and saw Daredevil!

It was such a sad movie! So horribly sad. I'd expected a little bit of depressiveness, seeing how the main character is blind, but -- it really was something I didn't expect. But they made everything turn out so well! Surprisingly well, actually. I'd seen Spiderman and I didn't really like how things looked so horribly CGI, but you could hardly tell in this movie. (Except in that fight scene in the church, but it was just once and it wasn't that obvious... like in Spiderman...) Ikhny found the movie so sad, so sad... I teared up pretty bad. I could hardly hide the sniffling. And it was so unfair, too! Later on I found out from Bertha herself that she'd gone and couldn't believe what happened. (She went to see it because Jennifer Garner was in it, and because she thought the movie seemed good enough.)

After the movie we had dinner, and who should we see there, with -- apparently -- a date, but Dr. Croford? We were curious (who wouldn't be? I mean, I'd always heard she was so catty and rude), but we had our dinner and then set off back to the dorms. All in all a great day. (Which I didn't post about sooner because of, wow!, schoolwork.)

Character Profile [b]-- Name:[/b] Cynthia Sezja Christensen; maiden name: Thomas [b]-- Character Type:[/b] Civillian [b]-- Age:[/b] 46 [b]-- Physical Description: What do you look like?[/b] [b]Skin:[/b] light [b]Hair:[/b] dark brown [b]Eyes:[/b] dark green [b]Height:[/b] 5'5" [b]Weight:[/b] 134 [b]How old do you look?[/b] A bit younger than 40 [b]-- Concept:[/b] Optimist [b]-- Demeanor:[/b] I don't try to hide my happiness to the world. I want to show people that it's very possible to be happy. Positivity and optimism are my creeds. [b]-- Nature:[/b] I'm pretty much what I appear to be. [b]-- Short Bio:[/b] Born and raised in Russia until I was ten, when my family moved to the States (my father was American, my mother a Russian). Five years later I met Irina, who also moved here from Russia, and we've been best friends since. I met Marc Christensen in my last year of high school and married him somewhere in our college years. It was a few years before we had Jordan, our firstborn and only son; Sally was born a year later. Before that, though, Irina and I started Out and About, a teen's clothes store, and it's been successful since then, and still is. Nothing [i]too[/i] noteworthy happened after that. [b]-- Field:[/b] Business management [b]-- Unusual Abilities:[/b] [b]-- Relationships:[/b] Irina: friend [b]-- Occupation:[/b] Co-owner of Out and About [b]-- Cover story:[/b] [b]-- Hobbies:[/b] Baking, having coffee with Irina, shopping, make-up Character Questions Some questions not applicable to all character types. Answer just those that apply. Leave others blank. [b]-- When and where were you born?[/b] May 29, 1956, Russia [b]-- Are you more mature than you seem? Less?[/b] I'm more or less the way I seem. I act like I'm less sometimes. [b]-- What was unique about your childhood?[/b] I moved to the States from Russia when I was ten. [b]-- What kind of person were you? How is that different from the kind of person you are now?[/b] I have and still am a rather open person. I make friends easily because I'm confident. [b]-- What was your first brush with the spy world?[/b] [b]-- Where is your haven?[/b] The study at home. [b]-- What motivates you?[/b] The desire to make people happy. [b]-- What's you greatest wish?[/b] Cheesy though it may sound, world peace. [b]-- What's your Favourite Color?[/b] Peach. [b]-- Where do you see yourself in 5, 10, and 20 years time? (most detail please)[/b] [b]In 5 years:[/b] Still working with Out and About, possibly having opened a few more stores in different places. [b]In 10 years:[/b] Handing down my share of the ownership of the business to Sally, thus retiring, but still being a bit of a guide. [b]In 20 years:[/b] Moving back to Russia with Marc, and having many lovely grandchildren. [b]-- Anyone in the RPG you want to get to know better?[/b] Jack and Sydney Bristow. [b]-- What's your Prized Possession?[/b] My wedding ring. [b]-- What's your Relationship with Family members?[/b] Warm and loving with Sally, Marc, and Jordan, though sometimes I have to literally pull Marc out of his work-world. [b]-- What was the Most life changing experience in your life?[/b] Becoming a mother. [b]-- Do you want to stay the way you are? (e.g. Do you love being an agent for sd-6/cia, a civilian, or do you strive to change what you are?)[/b] Yes, my life is a dream. [b]-- Is there anything about your character you want to introduce?[/b] Uh, I'm a practical joker, heh� [b]-- What's your Favourite food?[/b] Desserts! [b]-- What's your Greatest Fear?[/b] Having the people that make me happy taken out of my life. [b]-- What's your Deepest Secret?[/b] (Jordan (son), Sally (daughter), Marc(huusb'nd)) [b]-- What's your Greatest Fear?[/b] Living without joy, love, and the people I care about.

[b]Application[/b] AB Name: GataFairy Real Name: G.A. Lairren Age: 17 AIM/MSN: SoubouRadiance Email: [email protected] How often are you online: Usually a few hours a day (slow computer...-_-) Time Zone: Atlantic Standard Time Have you role played before? Yes... resume: pbem, board, yahoo! group/club, IM, and journal RPGs. Desired Role(s): Jack Bristow [b]Audition:[/b] Waiting. Jack had long, long since smothered any movements that would betray him and let him be seen as anxious, nervous, impatient. Thus he could go unobserved. He wasn't smiling. Spectators might say he was a statue were it not for the slight movements of his chest. He was unmoving. Some might go so far as to say he was unhappy. What was there to be happy about, really? If he thought about the [i]truth[/i], he knew happiness was a comodity he could not afford to slip into so suddenly and constantly. But when he [i]did[/i] -- and he only did so in the presence of his immediate family: his wonderful, talented wife and daughter --[/i], he knew what happiness was. It was short-lived, yes. And he wouldn't lie, not to himself: the momentary joy was not without something amiss. There was never safety, not in what he did. The wait continued. He was an excellent tactician, a competent leader when needed, and a devout man in all he did. But for the life of him, he could not figure out what was taking the coffee so long to begin dripping into its pot! [i]If it doesn't hurry,[/i] thought he darkly, [i]I'll be late.[/i] Suddenly he heard noise behind him and then felt a stare upon him. Knowing who it was he did not turn around. He heard her beautiful laugh and sensed her as she drew nearer. "Did you remember to put the water in?" he heard her say. He breathed deeply and controlled what might have been a blush as he shut off the coffeemaker and kissed his wife. (to Irina) "I'll get some at work again, then." He smiled a little. "See you later." *** Mrs. Weasley's People-to-see List: George Ginny Mr. Weasley [b]Name:[/b] Sel'eniss Vagant (Nehaluk Nehavul Nehavuk Nevahul) [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Alliance:[/b] Yamamorii [b]Weapons:[/b] Sel is most skilled at stealth and unarmed combat. She is a spellcaster; wields a fine metal longsword. [b]Attire:[/b] Tight-fitting ash gray pants, dark red shirt (also tight-fitting), black boots; keeps her sword in a sheath tied to her belt (black). Wears cloak. [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Eye color:[/b] Amber [b]Hair Color-Style-length:[/b] Dark, dark, dark brown. For other details, see picture. [b]Background:[/b] Sel has been with the Yamamorii since she was a baby, as both her parents were a part of it. She is best at reconnaisance missions and anything requiring stealth. 1