[UNEMBELLISHED - RPG@MUTED-WORDS.NET] Your name: Gata Age: 17 Email Address (for mod use only; it will be your choice whether to share this on your userinfo page): lady_stardust_child@yahoo.com Character you're applying for (name, story, role in story): Little John, Robin Hood, Robin's sidekick How you plan to play them: Like one of those funny sidekick types, with an older brother tiwst. He's a tall guy, bit older than Robin. Writing sample (link to an RP journal, link to writing, or pasted sample of writing): Voice Actors Wanted! [Hey, all. I found and applied for the perfect college for me, Savannah College of Art and Design, aka SCAD. Just saying so in case anyone wants to check it out. ^^; Thanks to everyone who helped -- I applied to most of your suggestions. They were appreciated tons! Anyway, finding SCAD gave me the motivation to work on a pet project. It's a (very) short western film with characters made out of clay. ]I need voice actors, so anyone who wants to help out is welcome to. The characters are: Dave Dobson (local heroic gunslinger) - the hero Bobby Brown (the ranchowner's son) - the hero's sidekick Tim Tucker (the sherrif) - the antagonist Jim Jenkins (the prospector) - in league with the sherrif Polly Parkins (resident beauty) - the hero's love interest, also wanted by the sherrif Paul Parkins (the mayor) - Polly's father; good but outnumbered Sarah Smith (a waitress) - strong-willed good-chick who likes knives Carl Crumb (the bartender) - unknown; seems to know all Isabella (the gypsy) - unknown; creepy gypsy-psychic-lady The script doesn't take longer than twenty minutes to act out. Any takers? This is what Kay had to say: Status: She chose to become a meteorologist because of her talent, I assume? Does she ever come into conflict with her superiors -- the radars say one thing, and she says another -- and how does she deal with that sort of situation? Has she gained any notoriety in her field for her consistent accuracy, and does this result in any benefits (or down sides!) for her? -- Yes, she does run into that sort of thing. Much more so when she was new to the working environment and naively thought that her suggestions would be taken seriously. Now she says things in passing, if at all. She'll speak up if it concerns something of importance, like whether or not a tornado watch or warning should be issued. If she *does* get into a more than passive discussion about it, she'll back down and wait for reality to do the "HA!" for her. The fact that she's always right has been beneficial, yes. She's moved up in the world, and obviously some people dislike her because of this. Physical Detail: Why do you suppose she's fond of avoiding attention? What psychological reasons do you, the author, see for her subconscious desire to be undisturbed/unremarkable? -- Well, there's the fact that when herr mother began showing symptoms of bipolarity, she (Claire's mother) would constantly call to attention minor things, good or bad, that Claire did. More often than not, positive things were interpretted negatively, so Claire would try to go unnoticed. Home: Grisly? XD What kind of a name for a cat...? Considering that she avoids people on the streets, would you say that she's more of a loner, or more of a people person, as with her loneliness? Would she ever prefer the more settled surburban life to city living? If the only personalized object in her home is the piano, does she really feel like the living space is her own? A quieter suburban life does appeal to her, but she's fine where she is. Everything is closeby, and the building she lives in is quiet enough. And due to brain malfunction, I shall continue in Kay's stead. Family: When and how did she find out she was adopted, and has this had any effect on how she views her family? What are her thoughts on her biological parents? How did she end up with Will, and does she feel like Will is a part of her family? Uniqueness: How does her health affect her day to day life? Does playing the piano bring back memories of her mother, and does this affect her playing? When did she first discover her abilities? Was the decision to become a meteorologist based solely on her ability, or did she have other motivations? (I repeated a bit of what Kay asked up top, but I don't think we're asking the same thing, so it's okay.) Pros and Cons: Claire wishes to blend in; is her listening a way to avoid talking or exposing herself? Or does she genuinely want to hear? She's loyal yet distrusting; how does she choose those to whom her loyalty is given? Her body is weak, but her stubborness indicates strong personality; are these two facts closely related? What sort of thing will Claire listen to without needing a slap to the face, proverbial or otherwise? -- Yes, listening is her way to avoid ttalking. More often than not she doesn't want to hear, but she pretends to. She'll start caring if whoever's talking says something worth listening to. **************** [b]Name:[/b] Bradwin Devinshire [b]Alias/codename:[/b] Pollux [b]Age:[/b] 29 [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Physical Description & attire:[/b] Messy black hair, dark eyes, lean and of medium height. He wears loose-fitting traveler's clothes and brown boots. [b]Starting Equipment:[/b] A steel glaive that looks an awful lot like a simple metal staff [b]Background:[/b] Awakened to the reality of SINs several years ago, he had his SIN deleted. He has been practicing magic for as long as he can remember. So far, he has had the most success in dominating the Plane of Love, due largely to the fact that his Medium is from this Plane. She is a spritely redhead with lucious curls and sparkling green eyes. Neither master and slave nor friend and friend, they are lover and lover. Stats: Human Strength 2/6 Dexterity 2/6 Will 3/6 Intellegence 2/6 Charisma 2/6 Magic user (Sorceror) Small Firearms 1/12 Large Firearms 1/6 Close Combat 1/12 Unarmed combat 2/8 Electronics 1/4 Medical 1/12 Demolitions 1/6 Magic 3/30 Astral plane Power 4/30 **************** Name: Rosaline/Titania Age: 52 Gender: Female Height: 5'8" Weight: 130 lbs. Hair: Brown, split-ended and past her shoulders Eyes: Blue, with pupils that alternate between cross-shaped when emotional to normal when not Race: Angel-Half Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Class: Psionic [Sonokinesis/Photokinesis] Weapons: Fan! Descrip: Background: ------------------------------ Stats: [90 points] Strength: 9 Agility: 14 Dexterity: 10 Defense: 11 Mag. Defense: 13 Intelligence: 12 Intuition: 9 Charisma: 12 HP: [Your life force. If these drop to zero,game over. Yer dead. I do not wanna see any higher than 300 HP.] MP: [Your mana,for the use of magic and special techs. If these drop to zero,you'll have to sacrifice HP to use them until they're restored. No higher than 400] Skills: [Five of these maximum for a fighter,seven for a mage/psionic.Have the spell/tech name,a short description of what it does,and MP cost to perform it.] **************** Basics Your name: Gata Age: 18 Prefered email address: lady_stardust_child@yahoo.com Prefered messanger service: AIM (HongouSydney) Live journal account (if any): gatafairy Past RPG experience: The most recent are Babysit on LJ, New_BSC on GJ, and Crystal_Falls on GJ Are you applying for a teacher or a student? Teacher The Character Name: Chantal Estevez Gender: Female Age: 25 School year in 2004-05: n/a Birthdate: January 12, 1979 Home State: New Jersey Height: 5'5" Weight: 112 lbs Eye color: -- Hair color: -- Family: Father (Luis, 59), mother (Rochelle, 54), brother (Edwin, 28) Reason why she/he was sent to Ashbury: To teach If teacher, what do you teach? Art Best subject: Art, Phys Ed Worst subject: Classes to do with computers 3 music groups that your character likes: ABBA Hobbies: Painting, arts and crafts in general, swimming Personality What is she/he like? Please put at least two positive traits or qualities, and two negative traits or flaws. History: What was his/her life before coming to Ashbury? Iconage: Which celeb do you have in mind to use as your icon on the journal? (optional) I'm not really sure, but Summer Sanders is in mind. Please, write a sample journal. It can be either your personnal journal or what you will post on the board. Did you read the rules and are willing to abide by them? Yes~ Do you allow the mod to post the character profile on the website? Yes