Title: Author: Subject: Original: Carol Rating: Challenge: #20, cuteness Notes: It's really hard to write without a plot to tie things to, but it's Carol and I loff her. Now, heaven knows I know next to nothing about sports. Carol was a master in all the arts of being a referee. She could take notes on her clipboard and handle her stopwatch simultaneously, follow the players with her eyes if she didn't feel coordinated enough to run around, and she could read the team what she recorded about the game in a clear, ultra-concise fashion, all without making a mistake. [Once she'd been hit in the head by the ball, but that had been when she was still new to being in an actual game. Now it was rare to see her steps falter.] What she was proudest of was the ability to see the whole game while looking only at Sam Curtis. He moved with great agility, and when he was so into the game that he was unaware of the world, he would have a special smile on his face. It could be the stormiest, coldest morning ever, but when Carol saw that smile, she felt warm all over. The trance wouldn't last long, because within a few seconds there would either be a call to make. Carol blew her whistle and stopped her watch. The players ceased major movement and turned to her. As she made a mark on her clipboard, she said, "Offensive foul, Bennett to Curtis." She looked up at the boys. "Two shots." Title: -- Author: Subject: Rating: Challenge: Notes: -- (Stolen from raisingirl99) Colors of the Rainbow === RED === 1. What's your favorite kind of apple? Red 2. Strawberry shortcake or strawberry ice cream? Strawberry ice cream~ Mmmm~ 3. Stop signs - how many sides do they have [don't cheat]? Eight 4. Have you ever been pulled over by a cop? No 5. Do you run stop lights? Stop signs? Only sometimes. XD ====== ORANGE ====== 1. Orange juice or orange Smoothee? Orange juice~~ 2. Do you like Orange Julius? Haven't had 3. Make up a word that rhymes with orange and define it. Soringe. It's a type of syringe. x_x; 4. What was the name of the orangish Care Bear? Friend Bear, I think. There was also Secret Bear and Champ Bear, and they were orange-ish. 5. Do you like orange marmalade? Yeah~ ^_^ ====== YELLOW ====== 1. Do you prefer sunny days or rainy days? Rainy 2. Do you like lemon cake or lemon meringue pie more? Haven't tried either, but I will ^_^ 3. Do you run yellow lights? Sometimes 4. What's your favorite yellowish flower? Yellow roses 5. Do you like yellow or pink lemonade more? Yellow lemonade. Pink lemonade tastes weird. x_x ===== GREEN ===== 1. What's your favorite green plant/shrub/tree? Mango trees. They're so pretty~ 2. What does green make you think of? Relaxing stuffs 3. Do you turn green when you're nauseous? Not really, but I've heard say you get green around the mouth when you're really hungry (to the point of low blood sugar) 4. Why aren't there any green mammals? Because it would be impractical, y'know? They wouldn't be able to see each other amid the grass and leaves. x_x; 5. What's more nauseating - lime green or olive green? Lime green, when it's really, really bright x_x ==== BLUE ==== 1. Do you like blues music? Yeah 2. Does the color blue make you sad? No 3. Why is the sky blue? Something about blue rays being shorter (having shorter wavelengths, I mean) or having higher frequencies than red rays, so they bounce off the red rays and... yeah. Also, blue repels evil. 4. Have you ever been to a beach with really blue water? Dude. I live on a Caribbean island. Duhr. 5. Are bluebirds and bluejays the same thing? No~! Blue jays have crests! ====== PURPLE ====== 1. Is Tinky Winky your favorite Teletubby? No 2.Why do so many old people wear purple? It's neutral? I wouldn't know, but it probably has to do with their eyesight 3. Do you know a guy who wears purple or pinkish purple? Not that I recall 4. Have you or anyone you know ever had purple hair? No, but I'd so love to meet someone who does XD 5. Why is Prince so obsessed with all that is purple? Um... I don't know. 01 Your favorite song with the name of a city in the title or text. "Hotel California" should count for this. XP 02 A song you've listened to repeatedly when you were depressed at some point in your life. Mozart's "Moonlight Sonata"; Philip Glass' "Morning Passages" (from The Hours); "The Long Day Is Over" by Norah Jones 03 Ever bought an entire album just for one song and winded up disliking everything but that song? Gimme that song. 04 A song whose lyrics you thought you knew in the past, but about which you later learned you were incorrect. 05 Your least favorite song on one of your favorite albums of all time. 06 A song you like by someone you find physically unattractive or otherwise repellent. 07 Your favorite song that has expletives in it that's not by Liz Phair. 08 A song that sounds as if it's by someone British but isn't. 09 A song you like (possibly from your past) that took you forever to finally locate a copy of. 10 A song that reminds you of spring but doesn't mention spring at all. 11 A song that sounds to you like being happy feels. Umm... 12 Your favorite song from a soundtrack or compilation album. 13 A song from your past that would be considered politically incorrect now (and possibly was then). 14 A song sung by an overweight person. (what a horrible queston!) 15 A song you actually like by an artist you otherwise hate. "Toxic" by Britney Spears 16 A song by a band (whose members actually play instruments) that features three or more female members. 17 One of the earliest songs that you can remember listening to. 18 A song you've been mocked by friends for liking. 19 A really good cover version you think no one else has heard. Not sure. 20 A song that has helped cheer you up (or empowered you somehow) after a breakup or otherwise difficult situation. Enigma - Return to Innocence [b]Name:[/b] Alexandra "Alex" B~ [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Horoscope:[/b] Taurus (moo, yo XD) [b]Birthdate:[/b] May 6th [b]Favorite Anime:[/b] Princess Nine and Crest/Banner of the Stars, I should think. [b]Favorite Manga?[/b] Clover [b]Do you consider yourself an Otaku:[/b] Not always ^^; [b]Evil or Good:[/b] So good it might just be evil XD [b]Ramen or Rice:[/b] Rice! [b]Do you smoke:[/b] No [b]Ever played strip Poker:[/b] No [b]Play any TCG's:[/b] Used to play/collect, but not anymore [b]If yes, what ones:[/b] Pokemon (the OLD sets), Sailormoon [b]Favorite Movie:[/b] !! Um!! As of right now, [i]Brokedown Palace[/i]... for the moment. [b]Favorite TV Show:[/b] Two of a Kind, Alias, Cleopatra 2525, Mutant X (oh, I am SUCH a geek XD), Joan of Arcadia... [b]Favorite Book:[/b] A Glory of Unicorns, compiled by Bruce Coville; Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Bronte [b]Favorite Song:[/b] No [i]one[/i] favorite song, me sorry. ^^ [b]Do you have a Boyfriend or Girlfriend:[/b] No boyfriend [i]yet[/i]. ^_~ [b]Ever been dumped:[/b] No [b]What are you craving at this moment:[/b] Money XD And cooperation from my muses [b]Favorite Food:[/b] None in particular [b]Favorite M2A smiley:[/b] Catgirl!! :catgirl: I am Gata!! XD [b]Favorite M2A moderator:[/b] What! I can't pick one! ^^; Though I have to say, Seb-kun (Arcueid-san!) is verra huggable. ^_^ [b]Favorite Drink:[/b] Water, root beer, piņa colada [b]Any pets:[/b] No [b]Favorite Animal:[/b] Felines in general [b]Like to draw:[/b] Le yes [b]Hobbies:[/b] RP-ing, writing, playing video games, watching TV, being online, listening to music... [b]What Grade are you in:[/b] Just finishing senior year of high school [b]Have You Graduated:[/b] Nope, but I will this Friday! ^_^ [b]School-Hate or Like:[/b] Both, at times. ^^; [b]Would you rather be popular or unpopular:[/b] Popularity would make things easier, but in being unpopular you get to see who's really there for you and who isn't. ^^ So unpopular. Though I wouldn't mind knowing what being popular is like, for a week... [b]Got any kids:[/b] Nope [b]Married:[/b] Nope [b]Got Yahoo:[/b] Yup [b]Got MSN:[/b] Yup [b]Got AIM:[/b] Yup [b]Where were you born:[/b] Here. ^_~ (Puerto Rico) [b]Where do you currently live:[/b] Here. (PR, again) [b]Got Xbox:[/b] No [b]Got PS2:[/b] No (*WEEPMOURN!!*) [b]Got Gamecube:[/b] Yes~ [b]Favorite video game:[/b] Currently? The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask and Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles [b]Cheetos or Fritos:[/b] Jumbo Cheetos [b]Red Crow or Blue Crow:[/b] This is in-context, isn't it? I'm so lost. @_@ ^^; [b]Favourite Flower:[/b] Lilies [b]Website?:[/b] LiveJournal and GreatestJournal [b]Favourite non-video game:[/b] The BSC RPG! ^^;; Um, Clue [b]Favourite Saying(s):[/b] "Dare to dream!" [b]Dream Job:[/b] Author/actress/director Adopted at Birth//later in life: Occupation: Bloodberry or Mudberry: What Are You Currently Doing: TIMMY! or J-J-Jimmy: Comedy or Horror: Favorite Author: [b]Favorite Actor:[/b] [b]Favorite Actress:[/b] [b]Jesus Vs. Buddha:[/b] Ooh. Tough. Hmm. Buddha. [b]Cops Vs. Robbers:[/b] Robbers, 'cause they wear cooler clothes. XD (But cops in real life. XD) [b]Cowboys Vs. Indians:[/b] Indians. Post a picture of you In Attachment: Post a picture you drew in Attachment: C:\My Documents\My Pictures\mia1.jpg (mia1.jpg): upload succeeded. C:\My Documents\My Pictures\mia2.jpg (mia2.jpg): upload succeeded. C:\My Documents\My Pictures\mia3.jpg (mia3.jpg): upload succeeded. C:\My Documents\My Pictures\mia4.jpg (mia4.jpg): upload succeeded. C:\My Documents\My Pictures\mia5.jpg (mia5.jpg): upload succeeded. C:\My Documents\My Pictures\mia6.jpg (mia6.jpg): upload succeeded. C:\My Documents\My Pictures\mia7.jpg (mia7.jpg): upload succeeded. C:\My Documents\My Pictures\mia8.jpg (mia8.jpg): upload succeeded.