dances_with_slugs: yeah, what's going on with the fortunes? stardust_water_petals: I'm going to...pool together suggestions so we can pick which ones we get and then discuss events dances_with_slugs: ok dances_with_slugs: what kind of suggestions are you looking for? stardust_water_petals: Like...stupid things like you read on fortune cookies, y'know? Madam Luna's supposed to be really bad. ^^; stardust_water_petals: "Certain peril awaits you." "You will receive a good letter in a short time." "Your love life will prosper." dances_with_slugs: how about "Fortune machine empty, re-order now"? stardust_water_petals: ... stardust_water_petals: ...that's just wrong, dude. ^^; dances_with_slugs: Hiead wants to reveal her as a fraud. Maybe he could discover that she's just reading fortune cookie messages under the tabler stardust_water_petals: ^^;;; dances_with_slugs: he agrees not to tell anyone on the condition that she tells Zero that something terrible will happen unless he agrees to do some kind of job for him stardust_water_petals: Who knows, though? Maybe her fortunes will reveal something about the Dual Academies (and the DM's plot. *nodnod*) stardust_water_petals: ...^^; That's for you and Kay-san to discuss. I wouldn't say Luna's a total fraud. Tarot readings are easy to perform and not ALWAYS accurate~ dances_with_slugs: that's true dances_with_slugs: how about "You bike is in the Alamo" stardust_water_petals: ::^^:: Sure. She may have misread something. *snigger* dances_with_slugs: hehe dances_with_slugs: Daina and I thought about Ikhny's stardust_water_petals: Cool. ^^ That makes it so much easier -- one less to worry about dances_with_slugs: she tells Ikhny that she sees uncomfortable chairs and surgical instruments in her future, which Ikhny takes to mean that she'll be come a doctor stardust_water_petals: ^___^;;; dances_with_slugs: I don't know what Hiead could get stardust_water_petals: Something silly, most likely. That or some very detailed prediction which took about five minutes to narrate dances_with_slugs: I was thinking something about violence in his future stardust_water_petals: That works. I mean, it's Hiead~ dances_with_slugs: right stardust_water_petals: I've no clue what Saki gets... if this is going to go similar to the actual MK plotline in any way, something about tension and rifting should be in hers dances_with_slugs: right dances_with_slugs: and Clay could get something about changing directions stardust_water_petals: *nodnodnod* I just need to contact Nate...whose email I've yet to discover, thanks to Yahoo dances_with_slugs: "You will find great fortune, though it be not the fortune that you seek" stardust_water_petals: That works wunnerfully. ^__^ dances_with_slugs: ^^ dances_with_slugs: perhaps Zero could get one about how he doesn't know how good he really is stardust_water_petals: "Hidden within you lies a great, mysterious....something." ^^: dances_with_slugs: "All that is gold does not glitter" dances_with_slugs: it's probably a good thing I'm not writing for the fortune teller stardust_water_petals: ^^; dances_with_slugs: I saw that Fighting Foodons show stardust_water_petals: I did too...two weeks ago. The premier. What did you think about ]it? dances_with_slugs: the best thing about that show is Claudia ^^ stardust_water_petals: She's so cute. ^^ dances_with_slugs: oh yeah ^^ dances_with_slugs: I like her voice too stardust_water_petals: I forgot it. ^^;; Haven't seen it because I'm taping stuff for my cable-less friend. *half-glare* dances_with_slugs: hehe stardust_water_petals: And I am currently fixated on Yugi. o.o dances_with_slugs: I noticed stardust_water_petals: Did you? ^^;;;;;; dances_with_slugs: from reading your DJ stardust_water_petals: ^_^ Figured. ^^; You can also gather that I am incoherent. Or rather, was. I'm writing, but for something that won't be published for SOO long... dances_with_slugs: what's that? stardust_water_petals: An original I'm writing with a friend. We've both pretty much left it there because of the extreme business we're facing... stardust_water_petals: --do you have Nate's email address? dances_with_slugs: no stardust_water_petals: grr... stardust_water_petals: *^^;* I got this assignment for school, and there are different things to do for it. One of them is to write four or five journal entries from a character's diary. (Has to be a character from a book you're reading for independent reading). And I'm rading Harry Potter. ^^; dances_with_slugs: there you go dances_with_slugs: I saw a preview for the new movie today stardust_water_petals: I HEARD it (because the images wouldn't come through). stardust_water_petals: And I just finished reading that book, too