Never give out your password or credit card number in an instant message conversation. GataFairy says: * GataFairy says: GLOMP!* Rorie says: Lexi Rorie says: If you can wait about half an hour, we can talk GataFairy says: Sure. ^^; Sorry. Rorie says: No, nothing like that Rorie says: Parents are leaving then ^_^; GataFairy says: Aah. ^__^; Rorie says: So can you wait that long? GataFairy says: Yes Rorie says: Yay! *glomps* Okay, be back in about that long~ GataFairy says: kk Rorie says: ^_^ Rorie says: boo! GataFairy says: *^^* aaah~ Rorie says: ...Boo? GataFairy says: ^__^ Rorie says: Yay ^_^ GataFairy says: (You're getting my stuff late, aren't you..grr...^^) Rorie says: Don't you scoff at me! Rorie says: Yeah Rorie says: It happens GataFairy says: ^^;; GataFairy says: Lookie: GataFairy says: For uncut subbed YGO ^^ Rorie says: Whooho! GataFairy says: I signed -- ^^ GataFairy says: Ne...are you getting these? GataFairy says: *wail* GataFairy says: AAAAAAAAH........... GataFairy says: Sorry about that... GataFairy says: my connection went stupid Rorie says: No problem Rorie says: dude! Rorie says: That picture you drew! Rorie says: ^^ GataFairy says: ::megablush:: Rorie says: My mum loved it too ^_^ GataFairy says: ^^; Tell 'er thanks! ^^; GataFairy says: My chem teacher asked me for a copy to give to her son. ^^; Rorie says: ^_^;; Rorie says: I love it SO much! GataFairy says: And I'm serious about Yami -- as long as I can't handle it, never again. ^^; Rorie says: If my parents didn't use the computer, it would be my wallpaper ^_^ Rorie says: But he turned out SO good! Rorie says: I had an idea for a Mai/Jou fic! GataFairy says: His hair was so...blaah... I had so much trouble with it-- you've no idea ^^; GataFairy says: Really? GataFairy says: ^__^ Rorie says: It's humorous, they play strip duel monsters >D GataFairy says: (Did you read about the Spanish dub? ^^) GataFairy says: ^______^ GataFairy says: *applaudes* Rorie says: No, I LOVED the hair. It jumped up and BIT me Rorie says: Yeah, I did GataFairy says: ^^; GataFairy says: I swear, I nearly died of shock when Jou said "What a suculent woman"! ^^;; Rorie says: WAI~ Rorie says: *dies* Rorie says: *cackle* Rorie says: Yeah, that would be pretty...erm...amusing.. GataFairy says: It was just too funny. ^^; Anyway. GataFairy says: Mai/Jou! GataFairy says: And..Pegasus/whatsherrealname! Rorie says: Aretemisu likes the picture too ^^ Rorie says: Cecelia GataFairy says: ^^;; (Arutemisu, in this case ^~) Is that her actual name? Cecilia? I'd read something else somewhere, methink GataFairy says: ^methinks Rorie says: Oh shush. Rorie says: Artemis GataFairy says: ^^; Rorie says: But she writes shounen ai ^^ GataFairy says: ^^;; Rorie says: *sighs happily* Rorie says: But she likes Ryou/Jou...and I think that's a fairly uncliché pairing, so it's fine ^^ GataFairy says: As long as it's not overdone. I tire of overdone things. ^^; GataFairy says: Gah, I wish you could hear Spanish!Anzu! ^^ GataFairy says: ...anyway Rorie says: ^^ GataFairy says: There comes a point where winning becomes an easy task and one is not inclined toward happiness or negativity when it is achieved. Then it becomes an everyday sort of thing, worthy of only minimal attention. Rorie says: o.O? GataFairy says: That's...from Maific GataFairy says: GataFairy says: Check out the Mai in that ^^; Rorie says: I like it! Rorie says: Gah, you write Mai so well GataFairy says: ...that's...--::^^:: If you say so, then... *looks proud* Rorie says: ^_________^ Rorie says: Mai kicks ass ^_^ Rorie says: She's so much like me... GataFairy says: ^^; Rorie says: Gah, I'm going to a convention as her GataFairy says: Cooooool! Rorie says: Neh! I actually got a half-decent picture of me scanned into the comp, yuo wanna see? GataFairy says: Hai! ^^ GataFairy says: Ne, did you hear they're they're bringing Shounen Jump! mag here? ^_____^ Rorie says: No... GataFairy says: Amber's gonna subscribe -- it has YGO manga! Rorie would like to send you the file "Me.BMP" (776 Kb). Transfer time is less than 7 minutes with a 28.8 modem. Do you want to Accept (Alt+T) or Decline (Alt+D) the invitation? Transfer of file "Me.BMP" from Rorie has been accepted. Starting transfer... Rorie says: It ent a very GOOD pic...but then I'm VERY unphotogenic -.- GataFairy says: (bmp? Ne, check your scanner settings -- make sure to switch it to JPG when you can. JPGs take up MUCH more space and are slow downloads. ^^) GataFairy says: I have one of me and Amber, if you'd like to see GataFairy says: (She'd kill me, but...) GataFairy says: (make that, BMPs take up more space) We could not send this file because the connection is blocked. Please contact your network administrator or Internet service provider; they may be able to enable file transfers. Rorie says: Eh, soz ^^; I'm an idiot! Rorie says: o.o; *goes to change it* GataFairy says: See? GataFairy says: Filesize won't change unless you rescan it> ^^;;; GataFairy says: It took me a while to figure it out too, so daijoubu! ^^ Rorie says: filesize won't change? Rorie says: Huh? Rorie would like to send you the file "Me.jpg" (19 Kb). Transfer time is less than 1 minute with a 28.8 modem. Do you want to Accept (Alt+T) or Decline (Alt+D) the invitation? Rorie says: ...*sigh* Rorie says: I hate my computer ^^ GataFairy says: ^^; It's everyone's cross Transfer of file "Me.jpg" from Rorie has been accepted. Starting transfer... GataFairy says: I mean, "burden" GataFairy says: ^^ (dang, Spanish creeps up on me! ^^) You have successfully received C:\My Documents\Messenger Service Received Files\Me.jpg from Rorie. Before opening this file, you may want to scan it with a virus-scanning program. Rorie says: o.o; I figured what you meant...kind of... GataFairy says: ....^___^;; GataFairy says: *blink* You and I don't look too different. ^^; Rorie says: *giggle*! GataFairy says: *searches for the right pic* Rorie says: But I want a nose-job *mourns* GataFairy says: ... Rorie says: I've got a Barbara Striesand nose. And I KNOW I massacered her name ^^ GataFairy says: ^^;; Silly GataFairy says: I used to want a pull-back-ears surgery GataFairy says: I used to get teased. Called "bugs bunny". ^^ (But that all changed the day I called HER "porky pig"...we were morons back then. ^^; she's a great friend) GataFairy says: Oops, wait, I didn't scan the Amber and me pic ^^; Waiting for Rorie to accept the file "Save0006.jpg" (23 Kb, less than 1 minute with a 28.8 modem). Please wait for a response or Cancel (Alt+Q) the file transfer. Rorie says: *snigger* Transfer of file "Save0006.jpg" has been accepted by Rorie. Starting transfer... Rorie says: *happy sigh* GataFairy says: This is of me and another friend Transfer of "Save0006.jpg" is complete. GataFairy says: And WHO says you isn't photogenic? ^^; Rorie says: o.o; I'm not! Both you and your friend are...LOTS more photogenic than me... GataFairy says: ...HAHAA! Rorie says: I'm...frightening...when I get photographed ^_^ GataFairy says: I hate pics of me GataFairy says: ^__^; I always look...dead or something. My eyes. Rorie says: *die* Rorie says: AI! GataFairy says: And that's gotta be my favorite shirt GataFairy says: ^^; GataFairy says: Nani? Rorie says: *die* GataFairy says: NAni! *shakes you awake* Rorie says: I love Yugific. Rorie says: And Maific. Rorie says: DAMNIT! Rorie says: WRITE MORE OF THEM! GataFairy says: ....meep...? GataFairy says: ...I really think Yugific is BAD! GataFairy says: I swear -- it's STARING at me! Rorie says: No! It's really GOOD. GataFairy says: But it stares! ...I'm SO blocked. I ran SMACK into a wall. ... GataFairy says: *shudders at the clichéness of that* Rorie says: o.o; Rorie says: Need my help? GataFairy says: ...*snivel; whimper* Haaaaaaaaiiii!!!! Rorie says: With what? Rorie says: Have you written anything else since I got to read it? GataFairy says: Not a word. Rorie says: Well, where do you want it to go? Rorie says: Yugi/Yami guiltrip? GataFairy says: Like, right now, I was contemplating having it happen in a seven-day period. And at the end of the seven days, or whenever Yugi-kun's confidence drops REALLY low or something, I was thinking of having Lucille tell him comforting things... GataFairy says: Not exactly guilt... more like... depressed-Yugi, feels-like-he's-failing-somehow Yami Rorie says: ... Rorie says: I can't help you, then *sad sigh* Rorie says: I'm no good with guilt. Angst, torture, and violence. Not guilt *mourns* GataFairy says: ...*huge, teary eyes* Naaaaze ka!? GataFairy says: ......*wails* GataFairy says: Then I'll just work on Maific... GataFairy says: ..which stares at me, too... Rorie says: It's NOT my fault *mourns* GataFairy says: ^^; GataFairy says: It's okay. I go on ups and downs often -- gaaah GataFairy says: Ne, how'd you like Mai and Jou to encounter each other? Rorie says: *ponders* Rorie says: No rain. No park benches. Rorie says: At the GROCERY STORE GataFairy says: Ii desu GataFairy says: ^___^ Rorie says: Jou's picking up some thing for supper, and Mai GataFairy says: Yeah. Because of any kind helps? --wait! GataFairy says: Stupid image. Clicheness all over again. gaaah@ GataFairy says: *falls GataFairy says: *kills malevolent typos* Rorie says: O.o; Rorie says: *snicker* Rorie says: No meeting on a meeting in a restaurant... Rorie says: How about they meet outside her front door? GataFairy says: ...wouldn't Jou need an excuse? Rorie says: Jou is standing there. Maybe he does it a lot. Maybe he just comes and STANDS in front of her door, wanting to knock, but never working up the courage GataFairy says: That works -- REALLY well GataFairy says: ...a walking-through-the-city fic is a highly overdone thing... Rorie says: So one day, he's there too long or something, and Mai opens her door, walks into him, and they go sprawling. Rorie says: She drops her duelling deck, he helps to pick it up, and avoids her asking him why he was there. GataFairy says: *melts* Should she ask, though? I mean, it's the obvious thing to do -- but... nah. She could just mumble a thanks and be off, not asking for anything at all. GataFairy says: It'd be a Mai thing to do. Rorie says: Yeah... GataFairy says: And by the great peaches, I will NOT write Mai being rescued from a potentially harmful situation by Jou Rorie says: True. Yeah, go with that. Rorie says: And then she can have an internal debate Rorie says: Oh GOD! NO! GataFairy says: That'd be violation of Code. GataFairy says: ^^; Rorie says: Um... Rorie says: Well, Mai's smart. She can come to a conclusion about why Jou was there. Rorie says: While denying the REAL reason. GataFairy says: Exactly. GataFairy says: So she can be thinking about confronting him about it or not Rorie says: So, she...goes to Yugi...? Maybe? GataFairy says: ^^;; Naze, though? Rorie says: Um...maybe to ask him...about...well, Mai can be blunt when she wants to be. Maybe she just out-and-out asks him if he knows anything about Jou hanging around her place. GataFairy says: That works SO well. ^^; It'd add to the fic -- give it a bit of humor as well. (Commonplace -- two m's?) Rorie says: ...yeah I think so Rorie says: Yugi, of course, knows why but isn't about to tell Mai. So he just turns VIOLENTLY red, and mumbles something about having to help his grandfather... GataFairy says: ...and proceeds to be glomped by me... GataFairy says: ...and Mai, knowing this...okay, muses just failed me there. ^^; Rorie says: *snickers* Rorie says: Mai becomes more suspicious of Jou's motives, and manages to become convinced that he...wants something OTHER than a 'date' or anything of the sort. GataFairy says: Of course. Therefore, glare on, she marches back to her place, only to find Jou's NOT there. (Or should he be? He was caught, after all) Rorie says: Jou's there. Rorie says: No, wait, scratch that Rorie says: When they picked up her cards, they missed one. Jou found it, and slipped it under her door with a note. GataFairy says: *melt; heartmark* GataFairy says: So, a bit disappointed -- though she won't admit it --, Mai walks in and..nearly slips on the letteR? GataFairy says: *kills capital R* Rorie says: Sure! Rorie says: This is turning out to be...humorous O.o; Rorie says: Slips on the letter, Rorie says: Reads it... Rorie says: What does it say? Mush? Or Jou being practical? GataFairy says: Jou being pratcical -- like he'd REALLY be mushy? Rorie says: True ^_^ GataFairy says: "We missed one -- to save you the trouble of waiting to get it, I just left it for you. -- Jou" Rorie says: Perfect! GataFairy says: ^__^ *glomps Jou* So Mai has to think something of it. I'd assume she'd just 'hmph' and call him something not nice. Rorie says: Yeah. "Hmph. Idiot." And THEN, she whispers something like 'You *could* have waited...' GataFairy says: Yup. ^^; Then she stalks off into...I dunno, her room, and promptly lies down and...sleeps...? Rorie says: Sorts through her cards. Rorie says: Maybe Jou dropped his deck, too, and she ends up with one of his cards? Rorie says: Nah, too cliché Rorie says: Lesee... Rorie says: *ponders* GataFairy says: Yeah. ^^; Rorie says: Yeah, goes to sleep. Rorie says: *snigger* GataFairy says: And we don't go into her dreams. GataFairy says: That's just...wrong. GataFairy says: ^^; Rorie says: No. No we don't. Rorie says: We COULD just end it there? We could have enough hints of Mainouchi... GataFairy says: That works really well... Rorie says: But...I mean Rorie says: ...did I just say Mainouchi? Rorie says: Oh dear Lord O.o GataFairy says: Yes. ^^ Struck me as odd, since that type of pairing-naming is usually found in the digimon community Rorie says: *snigger* Rorie says: Strange O.o; I don't do the 'digimon' thing GataFairy says: I used to -- it got boring after a while Rorie says: ^_^ Rorie says: Anyways...after that, we could always have a short Joupiece? GataFairy says: It could work...but...well, as long as we don't say "this is Jou's POV of the Maific" Rorie says: o.o; Rorie says: No, that's way too cliché. GataFairy says: 'zactly Rorie says: It could start with him writing her the note, and how the ORIGINAL copy of it said something 'Hey, we missed a card when we picked them the way, how about dinner?' Rorie says: Sort of thing o.o GataFairy says: ...yeah. ^^; And then he crumples it and just writes the one he wrote. ^^; Rorie says: Yeah Rorie says: We could have him going home, re-reading the note he WANTED to leave...angsting about Mai... GataFairy says: ...yes...^^; GataFairy says: *has to leave REALLY soon...* Rorie says: *hugs* Rorie says: Tell ya what, we've laid out the plot for most of Maific. Rorie says: I want to see RESULTS, girl, Results! GataFairy says: ^^ I will. *saves convo*