nanimo wa koko arimasu Okay, administrators, what is with you people!?!! The Academies can't be that hard to take care of! I mean, it's not like there's a crowd of new people, and even if there were, you're supposed to be able to handle them. I'm actually considering reporting you all to the city sanitary department or whatever the hell it's called. Geez! Twice in a few weeks we get ordered to stay put. I don't mind, but it's still annoying!!

Now, I'd really like to know what was up with interrupting the dance. We barely got a chance to say "Hi" before we were told to go to our dorms. And then they hauled the staff over to a meeting. WHAT the HELL is GOING ON here!!? Is this about Cagney's? Is it about that Section Subleader's little thing that Sunday? Are we going to be bombarded by nuclear warheads? Are aliens threatening to take someone captive? Is the War being rekindled? Are you under federal investigation? Has there been a shift in the tectonic plates in our area? (Um... don't ask about that.) Has magma been sighted in the Green? Are the buildings up to code? Are the buildings going to collapse? Do you intend on assassinating us? Are we little lab rats from whom you'll select the best ones to continue the experiment on, and have the others decapitated?

In short: What's going on?

...Thank you for that incredibly informative letter. ^^; By the way, keep the codes as they are for the profile. ^~ Name: Alex (female!)

Penname: GataFairy (Gata for short)

Rank: Author; junior (in training; in high school)

FF.Net Number: 12808 (I met your requirements, Deire-san. >P)

Muses: Musie la Fate (custom, female) Dhectec borgh Cupanh Rüé Reucec Marhl (Abh knight, male)
Side note on muses: They're mine and mine alone. Don't try to take them. Musie bites and transforms (she's custom! ^^) and Marhl fights with big spaceships, plus the backing of the entire Abh Space Navy.

Favorite MK pairings: Azuma/Rill (^_^), Clay/Saki, Rio/Phil

Other favorite pairings: Kakeru/Himeko (SM), Shinozaki/Makoto (SM), Tomoe/Setsuna (SM, and those who know what I'm talking about are probably thinking I'm insane), Hanagata/Luchs (SMJ, and yes, I know; insane again), Faust/Tiger (SMJ), Soemon/Koyuki (SMJ), Van/Fiona (Zoids CC/GF), Irvine/Moonbay (Zoids CC/GF), Raven/Ryss *wink* (Zoids GF), Karl L. Schubaltz/Self-insertion *winkwink* (Zoids CC/GF, and I'm only kidding. ^~), Treize/Une (GW), Zechs/Noin (GW), Quatre/Dorothy (GW), Yamaki/Reika (Digimon Tamers), Takeru/Hikari (Digimon 02), Ken/Yolei (Digimon 02), Ferio/Fuu (MKR), Zelgadis/Amelia (Slayers), Kai/Sayla (first Gundam), Link/Malon (Zelda, OOT; HAH!), Hidehiko/Keiko (P9), Seishiro/Ryo (P9), Spike/Julia (CB), Kazuhiko/Oruha (Clover)

Blogs: soubou (DJ), aserendipity (DiaryLand)

At, Gata's current title is Instrumental Whimsicality. (That's left to self-interpretation. ^^) If you couldn't guess, I'm a het purist and I intend to stay that way, even though I've read a few yaoi and/or yuri fics. I don't indulge in them. I can count the ones I've read with less than ten fingers. I'll only write het romance. ^_^ Anime isn't my entire life. I love reading and studying. (Well, studying Torah-related things more than other stuff. ^^) Jewish mysticism fascinates and frightens me and has served as influence for a few of my fics. I'll have the occasional original plot bunny, as well as non-anime plot bunnies. I generally lack social skills, so unless you're prepared to talk a lot, don't contact me through IM services. I'm much more coherent and "talkative" through email. ^^