This is probably the stupidest thing in the fandom, but I liked the idea. ^^; It just came and stuck, y’know? Standard disclaimers apply.

Tips for better understanding this:
Imagine the voice of a child who has a deep admiration for this person. Imagine you can see the smile that you hear in her small voice as she speaks to this person, knowing this person will not hear her, cannot hear her. Listen to her voice crack when she finds out the fate of this person. See the tears in her eyes, and the tears flowing down her rosey cheeks. Feel her sorrow. Weep with her.

And, above all else, realize that this is in NO WAY canon, NOT yuri, not incest, not het, not ANY romantic relationship-related. Oh, and, of course, this is NOT my first work for Evangelion. It’s just my first PUBLISHED work. ^^;


Born of You


You’re my hero. I wonder if you ever knew that. That you’re the person I admire most. I always thought you were so pretty. You were my favorite cousin. I won’t say ‘are’… It doesn’t seem right anymore, ne?

Most kids want to be like their mommies and daddies. I did love mine lots, but… it was you I wanted to be like.

Even now, I still want to be like you. I want to be born of you. I want to feel safe like I did when you held me one day. Do you remember? You were thirteen years old, and I was four.





AN: Confused? No? Then act like it and make me feel better. ^^; The girl isn’t really supposed to be a Mary Sue. I mean, she never even EXISTED in the actual storyline, had no influence over it whatsoever, and is of no importance to anyone, ESPECIALLY not Ritsuko. (Who, if you couldn’t guess, is who this darling child is talking about/to.) ^_____^;; Yeah, I think Touji describes you well enough. I just took the quiz and got Rei, which I think is absolutely wrong. ^^;;

What Neon Genesis Evangelion character are you?
Whatcha think? I PERSONALLY believe THIS is more appropriate:

What Neon Genesis Evangelion character are you?
But maybe it's just 'cuz the both of us love cats. ^_^; JU — Discovery, a Link to the Past  

A link to the past of *insert title here*


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