If you ask where I got the first two, I’ll say my mind. The latter three are from reading in Devarim/Deutoronomy. ^^  



Edrei. Mabrique. Sahlermaenn.

They were names, relics of the distant past, begun by the ancients, told through the ages, and eventually forgotten.

But that was all part of the tale.

Summary: Everyone has a Mission to fulfill, and everyone is conscious of this fact. However, there is one Person who is meant to be the Bearer of (the) Rings… The three Nations are at War. The Leaders of these Nations all strive to find the Ring Bearer, for it is said that this Person will unite the Nations under one sole government and rule. A group of three young teenagers from Nation Gaieen — Glorea Lairrec, Juto Solivan, Alaric Dyvensol — is sent on a quest to find the Person… But with the appearances of a kindly woman who claims to be Glorea's cousin, and the constant threats from Nation Nairooth's clairvoyance-gifted Cynthea Sahlermaenn, what will they find?