Never give out your password or credit card number in an instant message conversation. Rorie says: Lexi! Rorie says: *pounce* GataFairy says: *pounced* Deire! GataFairy says: I have! an! Idea! Rorie says: About...? GataFairy says: A fic! Rorie says: Explain! GataFairy says: Original. Co-write. You and me. Do_not_begin_to_complain! ^^; Rorie says: Okay ^_^ Rorie says: Why would I? I LOVE writing with you! GataFairy says: You say you'd like to be a spy? Rorie says: Yeah! GataFairy says: Done! ^^ GataFairy says: Here goes: GataFairy says: It'd be semi-based on our reality as friends, except that your chara and mine were childhood friends who kept communicating over the internet. Rorie says: >D GataFairy says: Your chara is a spy (agent, what-have-you), and mine is a famous author whose best-selling book might land her into trouble with...anti-government people Rorie says: >D GataFairy says: Millicent (my chara, tentative name) writes vividly about a sort of...conspiracy thing, and your chara and the people she works for (good guys, I promise) know that it's not fiction -- it's real. But Millicent doesn't know that -- or, at least, she doesn't remember it being real. Rorie says: Aaaah *loves this concept* GataFairy says: So! (not done yet!) Rorie says: >D GataFairy says: So your chara goes to wherever it is mine lives and wants to meet this author (who, I think now, should have a pen name) and question/inform her of the situation. And when they meet, well, they meet, y'know? Rorie says: Sou! GataFairy says: Now, the plot secret is that Milli's memory was altered by this anti-government organization so that she wouldn't remember. And since she's an author, no one will ever suspect it being real -- any otherwise suspicious occurences will be spoken of as "people trying to imitate the book" Rorie says: >D GataFairy says: Like? GataFairy says: *proud of self* Rorie says: Haihai!! GataFairy says: Interested? Rorie says: Hai! GataFairy says: Sugoi! ^__^ Rorie says: *dances* Spies! Whee! GataFairy says: I'm on some sort of streak thanks to Alias, and I figure this'll be fun. ^^ Rorie says: That is like, the coolest occupation ever >D Rorie says: But I'm odd. All the things I want to be are un-related. GataFairy says: My mother'd love to be one. ^^ Rorie says: Spy, interior decorator, lawyer, writer, Egyptologist Rorie says: I diverse O.o;;; Rorie says: Guess what~ GataFairy says: ^____^ Nani? Rorie says: I have an IQ of 152! GataFairy says: ^______^ GataFairy says: *has yet to check hers* Rorie says: I feel smart and happy ^_^ GataFairy says: Lucky. ^^ GataFairy says: Ne, now you have to design your chara! Rorie says: Design? GataFairy says: Well, name her, give her...a personality...describe.. basically, "sketch" her Rorie says: Okay Rorie says: I can do this *deep breath* Rorie says: Name. Rorie says: Um. Rorie says: I'm bad with names... GataFairy says: Millicent has been haunting me for a while -- I figure, use it here. ^^ Rorie says: Sou ^^ Rorie says: No names have been haunting me. Except... Rorie says: Well, my REAL name, *snigger* But that's beside the point ^_^ GataFairy says: How about.... GataFairy says: ...well, give her a past, at least. (And don't name her Lucille -- unless you really want to. ^^) Rorie says: *shudder* I wouldn't name anyone Lucille GataFairy says: ^_____^;; Rorie says: *squees over Arcana's update* Rorie says: DOMMI! Rorie says: I have a thing for Russian guys. I'm very strange, no? GataFairy says: ^^;; GataFairy says: Nah GataFairy says: I think Russia's awesome, though I dunno why. ^^ Rorie says: >D GataFairy says: Name! Think! Dayle! Grr! ^^; GataFairy says: How 'bout Rorie? >D GataFairy says: No offense or anything. ^^ I just find it funny Rorie says: o.o; Why would I take offense? Rorie says: Rorie is short for Aurora, my first penname GataFairy says: Aah. ^_^ GataFairy says: Alyssa, perhaps? GataFairy says: Rorie says: (*snicker*) Rorie says: Has to be something unique...I like Alyssa, but it reminds me too much of Alyssa Milano ^^ GataFairy says: I won't ask who that is. ^^; Rorie says: Ever watch 'Charmed'? GataFairy says: Nope Rorie says: Ah ^^ Rorie says: Okay then, forget it ^_^ GataFairy says: ...aah. ^^; GataFairy says: Anyway GataFairy says: Tarissa? GataFairy says: *babbling random names* Rorie says: I like that o.o; GataFairy says: Crossed Teresa/Alyssa -- and I like it too. ^^ Rorie says: ^_^ Rorie says: Okay. Personality. Rorie says: Well what's your character like? GataFairy says: Like me, basically, but...well, think sort of Linna Yamazaki-ish Rorie says: Linna? As in Bubblegum Crash Linna, neh? GataFairy says: Crisis GataFairy says: 2040 Rorie says: ...Oi, that's right Rorie says: I keep getting the series' mixed up ^^; Rorie says: The 2040 characters are so drastically changed from the 2032 characters, though Rorie says: Even designs are different, but I REALLY want to watch it Rorie says: There's a DVD in 'The Store' right now GataFairy says: ^_^ GataFairy says: But you know her personality, right? 2040-Linna? Rorie says: The first one, methinks Rorie says: Along with Trigun Rorie says: Um...well, I know 2032 Linna... Rorie says: A little bit of a ditz, but serious and compassionate, and always willing to step in the line of fire for a friend... GataFairy says: Make it 'semi-ditz' and you've got Millicent. ^^ Rorie says: Ah ^^ GataFairy says: Millicent Dragher, I've decided. ^^ Rorie says: Linna is also very athletic GataFairy says: Yup> ^^ GataFairy says: Mill should be, too, considering the fact that she may actually have to run Rorie says: *nodnod* GataFairy says: Mkay, what about Tarissa? (It's gonna stick -- just you wait ^^) Rorie says: Yes, it will Rorie says: Um. Her personality...hell, just base it on me. Loud, profane, in love with angst and blood >D GataFairy says: ^__^;;; GataFairy says: Sure. GataFairy says: She's gotta be very damn strong to lead a double life of sorts Rorie says: Heeey! I'm strong! I stacked wood for eight hours, yesterday! Rorie says: *knows this isn't what you meant and smiles* GataFairy says: ^___^ That's why you're my imoutochan ^^ Rorie says: ^_^ Rorie says: Lots of people have been calling me that Rorie says: I now have three adopted neesans o.o; GataFairy says: ::^^:: GataFairy says: So! Tarissa is you-ish. Tarissa what, thought? (Don't ask why, but 'Martinez' just jumped at me) Rorie says: *snigger* Mexican-ish name Rorie says: Reminds me too much of 'Passions' *shudders* GataFairy says: Yeah. ^^;; I don't like that soap. ^^ Rorie says: It scares me GataFairy says: ^________________^;; Rorie says: The last two people who imed me both did that exact same face Rorie says: but the other girl did it with two less '_' Rorie says: underscores GataFairy says: ^^;; GataFairy says: Ne, ne, we got two reviews at FF.Net and one at MediaMiner for Maific Rorie says: Yay! Yeah, I know Raymars-san reviewed Maific Rorie says: We were discussing it earlier, I sent it to her before we posted it GataFairy says: Aaah. ^__^ Cool Rorie says: Yeah, she's such a nice person ^_^ GataFairy says: ^_^ Sugoi desu. ^___^ ...*babbles* I thought about the fic yesterday. I could, y'know, host it at The Gate if you want. It'd be anime format, or a novel, whichever you like best. Rorie says: o.o; Rorie says: Okay GataFairy says: You think I'm weird GataFairy says: -_-; Rorie says: Rorie says: You're not weird, I just had a hard time reading that Rorie says: I didn't get any sleep last night, everything is fuzz Rorie says: fuzzy* GataFairy says: Ah. ^^;; Rorie says: ^_^ Rorie says: AH! Rorie says: *scream*! Rorie says: They're going to be introducing Ootoigi soon! Rorie says: *blinks* Rorie says: Ootogi** GataFairy says: Yes. Of course. Ootogi! Tarissa! Rorie says: Can't. Gotta bounce. Dishes to do, only two hours to do them Rorie says: I'll sketch her all out later, mmks? GataFairy says: Mkay GataFairy says: ^_^ GataFairy says: Ja ne Rorie says: Bai, neesan!