game_n_quest_mistress: Oh, hey~ tastyfreak2001: Hey game_n_quest_mistress: you alive and well? or at least alive? tastyfreak2001: lol, yeah game_n_quest_mistress: you poisoned my mind, y'know ^_~ tastyfreak2001: LOL, did i? game_n_quest_mistress: yesh tastyfreak2001: i thought u didn't take what i said seriously game_n_quest_mistress: are we on the same page here, though? tastyfreak2001: ...not sure actually game_n_quest_mistress: ...^__^; I've been putting thought into the journal rpg thing -- what are you talking about? tastyfreak2001: nothing, i didn't know what you were talking about and was just making stuff up...i'm in a weird, bored, mood today. game_n_quest_mistress: ah, so it affects us all, then. ^__^; game_n_quest_mistress: You're MEAN to me! game_n_quest_mistress: :P tastyfreak2001: LOL game_n_quest_mistress: So, though, I already started tweaking a site for the RPG tastyfreak2001: cool game_n_quest_mistress: lookie tastyfreak2001: project Decipher? I like it game_n_quest_mistress: ^__^ Thank you. ^__^ game_n_quest_mistress: Dude, I got so into it I started making up a World History for it -- I'm THAT bored tastyfreak2001: LOL, damn i really did poisoned your mind! game_n_quest_mistress: :P tastyfreak2001: damn, how long did it take you to think of all this? game_n_quest_mistress: But I was thinking about all the character relationships, and you're right -- we can't have "season divisions" or stick to the actual show too much... game_n_quest_mistress: Oh, that? Under thirty minutes tastyfreak2001: damn, it would've taken me an hour or i would've something stupid...say like an asteroid destroying the world1 (yeah, i knew i was right) game_n_quest_mistress: ( :P) Point is, we can't just say "Okay, since in the series you're here, you have to be here now too!" tastyfreak2001: yeah tastyfreak2001: they just have to think, "now what would Syd or the others do in this situation" but only in regard for personalities game_n_quest_mistress: zactly game_n_quest_mistress: Also, in the MK journal RPG there are some characters who can view the others' journals. game_n_quest_mistress: I was thinking about that a lot -- Barnett would be allowed to see them all, as she's the one who started the "mandated journal" thing tastyfreak2001: that would help tastyfreak2001: yeah game_n_quest_mistress: but then we can't exactly have Sloane knowing that his best subject (Syd) knows the truth about what they're doing tastyfreak2001: yeah........... game_n_quest_mistress: And I'm sure Jack would love to know wha this daughter is going through, and Irina would either have clearance to view them or find a way to do it tastyfreak2001: ...i don't think Jack should see Syd's diary....doesn't seem right tastyfreak2001: Ooo game_n_quest_mistress: Whaa? tastyfreak2001: i just remembered i wanted to see Alias so bad yesterday!!! tastyfreak2001: i wanted to see Jack game_n_quest_mistress: >D tastyfreak2001: because i saw Titanic again game_n_quest_mistress: I would've asked if you could come over today, but we're not done cleaning tastyfreak2001: oooo, he was sooo cute and it was sooooooo sad game_n_quest_mistress: (aah, garber-SAMAAA!!) tastyfreak2001: um, yeah and i have to go to San Juan at 3pm game_n_quest_mistress: that too ^_^; game_n_quest_mistress: okay! so! before you go! help me pin stuff down! tastyfreak2001: ok tastyfreak2001: (Titanic's sooo sad, i cried again...i'm soo day, i'll make a movie like that...but better) what else needs to be "pinned down?" game_n_quest_mistress: character relationships. Where everyone stands in the Front Lines. game_n_quest_mistress: And journal viewing clearance. (though I'm leaning toward just barnett) game_n_quest_mistress: arrangements and stuff. tastyfreak2001: ooohh yyeeaaah tastyfreak2001: ..........are we still having powers? I forgot game_n_quest_mistress: yeah tastyfreak2001: okay tastyfreak2001: who's Daniel again? Syd's fiancee? game_n_quest_mistress: yeah. aka Danny tastyfreak2001: oka game_n_quest_mistress: (oh dear Lord he's got the most gorgeous voice~) tastyfreak2001: lol game_n_quest_mistress: so first of all, living arrangements. game_n_quest_mistress: I have down that all the "subjects" came of their own free will -- they weren't captured or anything like that tastyfreak2001: yeah tastyfreak2001: but what about irina? game_n_quest_mistress: damn her and her awesomeness tastyfreak2001: lol game_n_quest_mistress: Oh, right ^^;; Well, she and Sark are the hardest to plan for game_n_quest_mistress: I figure since they both had powers that they trained elsewhere (each with their own org) and then went to Front Lines to over everyone else to their side or something tastyfreak2001: this is getting complicated game_n_quest_mistress: yeah, but that's why it takes a while to plan out and why i NEED your help here tastyfreak2001: okay okay game_n_quest_mistress: basically we have to keep in mind the Rambaldi factor -- EVERYBODY wants to fulfill the prophecy (all the orgs, I mean) tastyfreak2001: this would make a good fic game_n_quest_mistress: yesh. ^_^ tastyfreak2001: duh game_n_quest_mistress: so Sark and Irina already have their motives tastyfreak2001: yeah. game_n_quest_mistress: So since America is the leader in this whole prophecy thing, they "turn themselves in" (so to speak) so they can get insider access to everything tastyfreak2001: "turn themselves in?? game_n_quest_mistress: as in...they go join Front Lines but don't let anyone know their real intentions game_n_quest_mistress: We can play it out differently for Irina -- she could've initially been worker Laura Bristow or something tastyfreak2001: oooh, like West Asia game_n_quest_mistress: (yeah! West Asia rules!) tastyfreak2001: oh i think i got it game_n_quest_mistress: okay, go tastyfreak2001: irina works for America, (front lines, whatever) but in reality works for West Asia who's trying to ..take over the world.... tastyfreak2001: :p game_n_quest_mistress: sweetie, everyone's trying to take over the world except Kendall and his crew tastyfreak2001: yeah thats what the :p for game_n_quest_mistress: and by "everyone" i mean countries game_n_quest_mistress: ...:P game_n_quest_mistress: meaniehead tastyfreak2001: hmmmm....arrggg tastyfreak2001: !! tastyfreak2001: whats The Breakdown? game_n_quest_mistress: just...telling people what a journal rpg is like tastyfreak2001: oh, and Code of law? game_n_quest_mistress: rules tastyfreak2001: yeah, thought so tastyfreak2001: ooo, what's the credits?? tastyfreak2001: am i in it? game_n_quest_mistress: well yeah! all the staff is in it, links to players' sites, and, duh, the part that says "we do not own alias..." tastyfreak2001: yeah...but make sure you but my name in really BIG! tastyfreak2001: ^put game_n_quest_mistress: ...sweetie, you are going to be a staff member/player/co-dm! you get your name like this: Angel of Light tastyfreak2001: and shiny!! and make a poem about me and everything about how much i am a big part of this rpg and that none of it would be possible without me! game_n_quest_mistress: ... tastyfreak2001: (lol) tastyfreak2001: (j/k) game_n_quest_mistress: ^__^; I'll put little stars by Staff Members names tastyfreak2001: :) game_n_quest_mistress: I'm gonna try to rope Michele into playing Vaughn game_n_quest_mistress: And to be our Season 1 consultant tastyfreak2001: yeah, that would be helpful tastyfreak2001: (hey did u know i've thought up 10 plotlines, but only written two of them) game_n_quest_mistress: (lol!) game_n_quest_mistress: (for what?) game_n_quest_mistress: tastyfreak2001: (okay, theres Pax, Aow, My Everquest ones: Keiya/Tobias one, Akana one, Ariaya one, one about orphan twins; then theres Power Quest, the Immune one, my End of the world one, and the Original Dama Series) (okay, okay i know Power Quest and the orginal series don't count, but i can write a story with just my characters, really i could) game_n_quest_mistress: (okay...) game_n_quest_mistress: anyway! tastyfreak2001: RIGHT!, the rog tastyfreak2001: ^rpg game_n_quest_mistress: another thing to be considered for the rpg is the "how" factor -- how is it that irina "disappears" from syd and jack's life and comes back? tastyfreak2001: (lol, wow, tastyfreak2001: she disapeared in a mission, thought to be dead, but then shows up again with a well thought up excuse tastyfreak2001: *shrugs* game_n_quest_mistress: lol. but then -- okay, so the Front Lines sends them on missions? that's a major point, y'know tastyfreak2001: yyyeaah game_n_quest_mistress: okie. game_n_quest_mistress: so here's something else i thought of: tastyfreak2001: k game_n_quest_mistress: when Syd finds out about the take-over-the-world thing (which has to be detailed more), Kendall, who has a high position in Front Lines, will then appoint a sort of partner-and-support person, who in this case would be Vaughn tastyfreak2001: yeahm that'll work game_n_quest_mistress: and then if we have a person wanting to play weiss, we can just say he's there to do other work, since he has no powers game_n_quest_mistress: also, we have to figure out living arrangements for everybody tastyfreak2001: hmmm, i got an idea game_n_quest_mistress: k tastyfreak2001: They could all live in the HQs, in fact the HQ is like this business building thing where there are other organizations (something like the Twin Towers but bigger) and that noone knows is the Front Lines HQ. Francie could have a restaraunt there and not know what Sydney does. game_n_quest_mistress: bingo. I was thinking about something like that] tastyfreak2001: francie could live there too game_n_quest_mistress: And Will tastyfreak2001: yeah game_n_quest_mistress: So then Irina, after years on years on years of having "died", comes back saying she was captured or something -- but the problem would be changing her name game_n_quest_mistress: Either she was always Irina or she had changed her name to "prevent herself from being captured" tastyfreak2001: ......i guess game_n_quest_mistress: the way I see it, the second option would make the lie that much better...except that we basically have to make sure Jack doesn't want to trust her and Syd wants to but doesn't feel she can tastyfreak2001: okay, we stick with the fact that she 's known in FrontLines as Laura, but then, after she dissapeares, finds out she's Irina and when she returns with her excuse that will leave only Jack not trusting and believing her game_n_quest_mistress: mkay. game_n_quest_mistress: that works. tastyfreak2001: damn I got to get ready...its only a hour till three game_n_quest_mistress: mkay then. bye~~~~~*hugs* tastyfreak2001: i'll probably be right back, and you better be writing this all down! game_n_quest_mistress: i'm saving it ^_~ tastyfreak2001: k, bye tastyfreak2001: back for a second, Vaugh's father also died in the mission that Irina supposedly died in, so he doesn't trust her either. game_n_quest_mistress: okay game_n_quest_mistress: very good point game_n_quest_mistress: and the danny thing is really basic, now that we have the living arrangements done tastyfreak2001: yeah game_n_quest_mistress: And nobody trusts Sark 'cuz he came around the time irina did tastyfreak2001: yeah and certain other things we could put in game_n_quest_mistress: Yuhuh *nodnodnod* game_n_quest_mistress: Like what? *teases* tastyfreak2001: that can go for Irina aswell tastyfreak2001: things that just doesn't fit well with Jack game_n_quest_mistress: Yeah. True. Very true. tastyfreak2001: k, anything else we need to discuss? game_n_quest_mistress: umm...the actual basic plot and how we're going to move it game_n_quest_mistress: and the guidelines for interaction -- they can't just go around saying "Oh so I went and did this and this and such" y'know? tastyfreak2001: yeah,, but then how? game_n_quest_mistress: wait, I'll take care of the interaction stuff game_n_quest_mistress: the actual plot first tastyfreak2001: k tastyfreak2001: the missions have revolve around something tastyfreak2001: ^have to game_n_quest_mistress: yeeah. I'd forgotten about the missions game_n_quest_mistress: That's why I need you to co-GM...and why I wanna get in touch with Michele... tastyfreak2001: yeah game_n_quest_mistress: I was thinking we should start just after Sydney finds out the truth and thus acts a little differently game_n_quest_mistress: (I had her first entry in my head -- part of it) tastyfreak2001: like how? game_n_quest_mistress: Well we all know Danny died because she told him the truth. So I figured she maybe tried to escape tastyfreak2001: (cool, i haven't thought about Jack yet) hmm, yeah game_n_quest_mistress: (it was a random thought, don't shoot me) She'd be brought back but nobody would be told she escapted -- there'd just be the rumor that somebody tried to do that tastyfreak2001: yeah, in fact, it was Jack who got her back and tried to reasure her and made sure no one knew about it, game_n_quest_mistress: game_n_quest_mistress: I dunno. game_n_quest_mistress: Lol, I'm so weird, I had her going through pain in her first entry. tastyfreak2001: pain? game_n_quest_mistress: Like, to further make her suspicious behavior more suspicious, say she was stopped by some guards or something and..."disciplined"...was the word I was thinking of for some reason. And then Jack can come in game_n_quest_mistress: Her weakness would be electricity (ekeltricity! ^^) 'cuz of her water power. Any contact with it would be potentially harmful tastyfreak2001: would the good guys do that? tastyfreak2001: oh wait, oops sorry game_n_quest_mistress: ...sweetie...they only think they're doing the good thing~~ exactly! tastyfreak2001: yeah i remember' game_n_quest_mistress: Point is, Jack would prevent the use of electricity tastyfreak2001: okay. tastyfreak2001: no tastyfreak2001: he would stop it, tastyfreak2001: yeah, ley them torture her for a while tastyfreak2001: ^let game_n_quest_mistress: lol game_n_quest_mistress: basically that's what i had in mind. Then there's jsut more secrets, prompting Will to find out what's wrong with her, etc... tastyfreak2001: yeah game_n_quest_mistress: Everyone else can just think it's because she broke The Rule. (^^) game_n_quest_mistress: Or something like that tastyfreak2001: yeah, thay could work tastyfreak2001: evil bastards game_n_quest_mistress: 'cuz in the first ep, Dixon says that there's "a rule you don't break", and that's telling someone about SD-6 tastyfreak2001: hmmm..yeah..and trying to run away tastyfreak2001: :p game_n_quest_mistress: ...=; tastyfreak2001: okay, so what's the plot again? game_n_quest_mistress: lol, well the BIGGEST thing is the "we have to save the world!" thing tastyfreak2001: duh, (you know its a good thing you and me will be playing Jack and Syd, or this would a complicated thing to explain to the players) game_n_quest_mistress: (yuuup) game_n_quest_mistress: (moderators always get the key characters, it's better) game_n_quest_mistress: Okay, so then there have to be subplots going on at the same time: like, for example, the Will thing, the romance thing (V/S...) and since this isn't tied to the series, all plots can be played out at once or so... tastyfreak2001: yeh game_n_quest_mistress: I was thinking about NPCs. how would we go about NPCs? I know Francie and Will and Weiss will have NPC contacts 'cuz they don't have powers, but what about everyone else? game_n_quest_mistress: And would we have someone playing Barnett? She's important... tastyfreak2001: Will will get powers (lol, will will) tastyfreak2001: umm, i think you should play Barnett as well game_n_quest_mistress: And if Barnett (lol) reads all the journals, then that means she knows the truth too...wait, she works with the gov, she wouldn't have any problem with that game_n_quest_mistress: ME!?, ...well... game_n_quest_mistress: Laura can playBarnett game_n_quest_mistress: >D tastyfreak2001: k game_n_quest_mistress: Though I doubt she has time to play, but I'll ask ehr about it tastyfreak2001: okay, how are we going to get players anyway?> game_n_quest_mistress: we go recruiting them! duh! game_n_quest_mistress: I'm registering at FanForum, where there's an Alias forum, so I can scout people who know the meaning of grammar and spelling tastyfreak2001: lol, okay game_n_quest_mistress: I already know I want Michele playing Vaughn -- she's good at playing out long, tiresome, non-yet-almost-V/S stuff tastyfreak2001: lol, yeah she'll be good then game_n_quest_mistress: now, we have to find a REALLY good person to be Irina... game_n_quest_mistress: brb game_n_quest_mistress: and in case you're gone by then, bye tastyfreak2001: yeah, bye game_n_quest_mistress: back tastyfreak2001: hey game_n_quest_mistress: mkay. so. anything missing? tastyfreak2001: hmmm...missions? game_n_quest_mistress: yeah, but we don't wanna have them too often... game_n_quest_mistress: maybe monthly, or bimonthly, so there can be interaction b/w people tastyfreak2001: ok game_n_quest_mistress: I think we should stick to searching for Rambaldi crap -- I mean, artifacts game_n_quest_mistress: And we can't tell anyone the prophecy. ^_^ Only special people get to know about it (which means everyone except Francie, Dixon, and Marshall) tastyfreak2001: lol,ok tastyfreak2001: lol, right game_n_quest_mistress: and another thing -- will we let someone play kendall? and sloane? tastyfreak2001: (poor marshall) game_n_quest_mistress: (yeah. i feel the worst for him) tastyfreak2001: yeah game_n_quest_mistress: I think we should...I wanna fight with someone. >D tastyfreak2001: (i wonder who's going to play him?) tastyfreak2001: lol yeah game_n_quest_mistress: (*deep sigh* oi vey) game_n_quest_mistress: Another thing, the arguments between Sydney and Kendall would be along the lines of Syd wanting to just tell everyone the truth and get done with it tastyfreak2001: ok..tell who? game_n_quest_mistress: tell everyone -- everyone who doesn't know tastyfreak2001: oh game_n_quest_mistress: After all, she's suuuper pissed at having told Danny and then seeing him dead tastyfreak2001: yeah, good poingt tastyfreak2001: :P point game_n_quest_mistress: lol, that sounded so funny, poingt game_n_quest_mistress: say it! "poingt: game_n_quest_mistress: :)) tastyfreak2001: ....:p tastyfreak2001: sounds like something Pinky would say game_n_quest_mistress: LOL tastyfreak2001: okay..what were we talking about? game_n_quest_mistress: um...the actual plot! and the arguments! >D tastyfreak2001: oh yeah. tastyfreak2001: Oo, i can't wait to see the Jack/Irina arguments game_n_quest_mistress: Hehee, me too. >D game_n_quest_mistress: Which is why you have to go around making Alias-friends too tastyfreak2001: lol; game_n_quest_mistress: I already have a Vaughn. >D Well, assuming she accepts tastyfreak2001: i don't like internet friends (yeah) game_n_quest_mistress: (...>P...) tastyfreak2001: well, i don't like looking around for them anywaysd game_n_quest_mistress: ...i didn't go looking around for them, really...besides, once we get a few people, we'll tell them to recruit more people, and so forth and so on, and...this is gonna take a while b/c I have to actually establish the website and everything tastyfreak2001: yeah...we should at least do that first game_n_quest_mistress: I'm working on it already. ^_~ game_n_quest_mistress: It'd be really nice if we had a layout, but...i can only do so much tastyfreak2001: then get a layout tastyfreak2001: how hard can it be game_n_quest_mistress: I have contacts who make layouts, but their little site is kinda dead... game_n_quest_mistress: i'll have to convince Mikomi-san that this is for a good cause... tastyfreak2001: Mikomi? game_n_quest_mistress: And layouts involve PICTURES and TABLES and CODES and -- Mikomi? She's in the MK RPG tastyfreak2001: oh tastyfreak2001: who she play? game_n_quest_mistress: Una Kleik -- she's soo god game_n_quest_mistress: ^good tastyfreak2001: una, una, game_n_quest_mistress: you haven't seen her on the show -- she has purple hair in pigtails below her ears game_n_quest_mistress: She's...perpetually clueless, and really sweet and perky tastyfreak2001: oh tastyfreak2001: k tastyfreak2001: i miss my EQ rpg game_n_quest_mistress: me too (even though she hardly ever played) tastyfreak2001: (lol) game_n_quest_mistress: but it was pretty tastyfreak2001: hm game_n_quest_mistress: game_n_quest_mistress: That's it so far tastyfreak2001: okay...does it work? game_n_quest_mistress: no ^_^ not done yet game_n_quest_mistress: Should I scrape the two yes/no questions? Or what do you think I should ask? game_n_quest_mistress: *we, not I, WE tastyfreak2001: k. you like alias? tastyfreak2001: ?? game_n_quest_mistress: okay, refresh it...(that's so...*thwaps at you*) tastyfreak2001: (:p) game_n_quest_mistress: >D tastyfreak2001: new font time game_n_quest_mistress: lol, okay, refresh it again and look at the page's title waaaay on top! tastyfreak2001: um...don't see any change game_n_quest_mistress: ...okay wait a sec... game_n_quest_mistress: I think it's 'cuz you're looking at the wrong top game_n_quest_mistress: Look at the bar where the minimize/maximize/close buttons are tastyfreak2001: k- ack i hate this font game_n_quest_mistress: lol tastyfreak2001: don't see anything.. game_n_quest_mistress: *glare* Where it says "Project Deciphre" on T-O-P tastyfreak2001: give me the address again game_n_quest_mistress: tastyfreak2001: do you mean the: <0>Project Deciphre <0> ?> game_n_quest_mistress: yeeees tastyfreak2001: oh game_n_quest_mistress: that <0> is the Rambaldi symbol game_n_quest_mistress: ...*thwaps at you again* tastyfreak2001: what does Activate Fail safe mean? game_n_quest_mistress: fail-safe is the thing that when you open something it deletes it -- it just means "reset" tastyfreak2001: oh tastyfreak2001: yeah i thought so game_n_quest_mistress: I think I'll just scrape the two yes/no questions tastyfreak2001: yeah, i mean what can you ask? game_n_quest_mistress: lol, it just came with the code, so I left it there while I tweaked it tastyfreak2001: oh tastyfreak2001: what do you think Omar would like for a X-mas gift? game_n_quest_mistress: heh, no clue~ game_n_quest_mistress: hey, gotta go eat game_n_quest_mistress: bye! tastyfreak2001: k bye