I toiled hard and long to complete this, and it bit me along the way, but here it is. My brainchild, with massive credits to AngelofLight and my chemistry teacher. *wave* ^^ Now, remember — plagiarism is BAD. Please don't take anything that isn't yours.

Core Project Gem

INDEX The Place for ME
Welcome to…

The Place for ME

This li'l place is being redone. Yes. Again.

Mine!!! Well, almost..

Backgrounds courtesy of Lyncetia's SM Web Graphics Shop -- (why this link never works, I'll never know. I'll import the other one later on...)

Updates Log:
Re-doing everything. Hah.

ADO Himeko's Anime Gallery - Mine!! Well, almost.. back

Mine!! Well, almost..

^.^ I caught these. Here are my badges:

I LOVE HER!!! Pretty.. Cute! ^.^ Got tired of Lady Une. Teela kicks! Rill's the coolest! (Well, one of the coolest) I like it.. Well, it’s Chun Li! How was I supposed to contain myself?
I couldn't decide which one to get!! ^.^() aheheh.. um.. Here are my caught bishounen and bishoujo.


All found/caught at: Pocket-Bishonen.com


All found/caught at: PocketBishoujo.com


Quickie Glompable Bishies
All found/caught at: Quickie Bishie Adoptions


The Bishies:

My second Kakeru. I can't help it! I wuv him! INDEX2 *§~Himeko’s Anime Goodies~§*
Welcome, one and all, to...

Himeko’s Anime Goodies

Hi, everyone! Welcome to my site! This is a li’l place where I’ll be uploading my "captured" images, and I may put in some mini-shrines (no woshipping! ^.^) about some characters I likes now. In any case, welcome!

HypnosMine!!! Well, almost..

…this site is under MAJOR construction so…please bare with me as I add pages and pictures and all that fun stuff. I’m gonna mess with Geocities’ new features of subdirectories to see what that’s like…maybe it’ll go well. Let’s hope so. Ja ne!

Backgrounds courtesy of Lyncetia's SM Web Graphics Shop


Updates Log:

06-07-02 — Figured out why the pics weren’t working… (directory misplacement…::blush::) AND! Caught two new bishies. ^^ *sniff sniff* Azuma wasn't there to catch… Oh well. ^^

06-06-02 — I added a whole bunch of new bishies and a few more bishoujo, but they're not showing up for some weird reason. -_-; Nyaa…

05-05-02 — Added two captured bishoujo and two more badges to the gallery. ^^;

02/18/2002 — Renamed Yamaka to Hypnos, because I love Megumi too! ^_^ ^.^

11/09/2001 — I've added six bishoujo pics. It may seem the site is dead, but it's not. ^-^

Jamie 2002-12-19 Anonymous That's good. It sparked my interest because you wrote it from the geisha in the orange/red kimono's perspective, and I know her in real life. She's one of my best friend's older sisters. I'll have to tell her about this story, she'd be honored to know that someone noticed her and took the time to write a story using her character!:o) Keep up the good work!
Like, WHEEEEE!!! ^_^ Pretty table! PRETTY!

Here's the TV Guide Interactive summary for tonight's episode, The Getaway:
Syd and Vaughn's risky rendezvous* while on a mission in France*1 threatens to blow their CIA covers to SD-6; Jack enlists Irina*2 in his efforts to thwart*3 Kane.

* - AAAAAH! AAAAH! *hugs the writing staff*
*1 - France? Really? France?
*2 - WAHAHAAH! Spymommy and Spydaddy!! This counts as a bit of a "date" to me~ *hugs writing staff*
*3 - I THINK that's the word they use...