*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon Super S the Movie 2: Flight of the Falcon by: GataFairy and Racer Haruka Ten'ou *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon, Sailor Moon names, likenesses, bla,bla,bla, are all Copyright Naoko Takeuchi and all those people. (Thanks for a great show!) *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* GataFairy's note: This is sort of another SM movie. It takes place after SuperS Black Dream Hole. Athena belongs to Racer, Starla belongs to me, and the villians are mine too. Just know that in the creation of these characters, we worked separately, and you will see character conflicts arise in the story. If you don't like Athena, take it out on Racer, and if you don't like Starla, take it out on me. We alternated writing duties, with some portions written by Racer, and some by me. I just thought I'd bore you with that. Enjoy! ^_^ Oh, another boring fact: this story was hand-written first so it could be edited when typed up. Ok..I'll shut up... *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* A year had passed since Amara and Michelle had moved out of Tokyo when Amara got a certain phone call... "Hello?" Amara asked when she picked up the phone. "Hey, Amara. It's Athena," said a girl with a tone of voice similar to Amara's. Amara told Michelle who it was. Athena and Amara were a LOT alike in many ways. "I was thinking about moving back to Tokyo," Athena(Xena) continued. "So were we," Amara said. "Great! My plane arrives at the Tokyo International Airport at 3:00 pm your time." "All right. I'll be there." With that, they hung up. "And so the trio meets again," Michelle told Amara after she heard the news. They'd never told anyone about the trio, so, everyone assumed it was just the a team of two. It was a secret...until now, when the final member returned. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* "Sorry I can't take your call right now. Leave a message and I'll call you back as soon as I can." *Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep!* "Hey, Trista! It's Starla. Listen, I'm moving back to Tokyo and I need you to pick me up at the Tokyo International Airport at 3:00. Flight 363 terminal D. See ya!" *click* *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* "Please fasten your seatbelts as the plane is landing. Do not stand up until the aircraft has come to a complete stop." Moments later, Starla Glaciar and Athena I. Galaxia were getting off the plane at terminal D of the Tokyo International Airport. They were waiting for their friends to pick them up, and began to talk to eachother. "Hi, I'm Starla," Starla greeted cheerily. "Athena," answered Athena like if she really didn't care. "So, why are you here?" Starla asked, trying to make conversation. "I grew up here, and now I'm moving in with some friends," Xena answered. "Cool. Me too," Starla said and smiled. Athena was wearing long blue jeans, a white short-sleeve shirt, and a blue jacket she was carrying over her shoulder. Starla wore knee-length jean-shorts and a sleeveless shirt. Amara was walking to the terminal. "Hi, Xena," Amara said with a half smile. "Hi," Athena replied. They left in Amara's car and went to her house. "I'm glad you moved here. It's been a long time," Amara said. "Too long," Athena replied. "Now I have someone that I have things in common with." *~*at the airport*~* Trista arrived to pick up Starla. Starla didn't let her come; she ran over to her, dropped her bags and hugged her. Trista almost fell back in shock, but she managed to regain her balance and hug Starla back. "It is SO good to see you!" Starla said. She looked around. "Where's Michelle?" "She's in the car. I'll help you with your stuff," said Trista, picking up one of Starla's suitcases. They walked to the car, where Michelle awaited. (standing, of course) Starla did to her the same she did to Trista. "Glad to have you back," Michelle said. They left to their house. Upon seeing Athena, Starla just had to ask. "Athena?!" she asked in shock. "Yeah," Athena said plainly. Starla shrugged and smiled. "MREOW!!!!!!" came from one of Starla's suitcases. "What's that?" Michelle asked. Starla opened it up and an icy blue furred cat with silver eyes and a silver crescent moon on his forehead stipped out. "About time you let me outta there!" he said. "That's Icicle, my guardian cat," Starla said. Amara and Athena had a lot of things in common: they both looked/dressed/acted like guys, they both liked speed, etc. Athena went up to her new room to use the phone and call Darien, her step-brother. His answering machine answered. "Hi, I can't come to the phone right now, please leave a message after the beep." *beeeeeeeeep* "Darien, I'm here. How's my motorcycle? bye," Athena said. She'd left her bike with Darien. *~*Later*~* Darien knocked on the door of the outers' house.(That's the name we're giving to the house so we won't have to break our heads describing it and all that) Michelle answered the door. "Hi, Michelle. Is Athena here?" Darien asked. "No. She left with Amara a few minutes ago," Michelle said politely. "Oh. Well, tell her that I left her bike in the garage." "Sure. Bye." He left and Michelle closed the door. She turned around only to face a dreamy Starla. "Who was that?" she asked. "Darien," Michelle answered. "Is he single?" Starla ventured. "No. He's dating Serena, and he's Neo-Queen Serenity's future husband." "Oh...well...does he have a brother or something?" Michelle laughed. "Just kidding," Starla said and laughed as well. *~*Meanwhile*~* Luna was talking with Serena. "Did you know that there are two more Sailor Soldiers?" she said. "Really?!" Serena asked excitedly. "Yes. They'll go to the temple for tomorrow's meeting." "There's a meeting tomorrow?" "I just proclaimed it. Inform the others." Serena did so. She told them about the new Senshi. *~*~*The Next Day*~*~* Amara warmed up for Phys Ed. When she was getting on her marks, a guy stepped behind her. "Mind if I join you?" he asked. "Sure," Amara said like if she didn't really care. They raced, and Amara won. He breathed heavily. "You're good," he said. She half-smiled. "So do you wanna help me train later?" he continued. "Sure. Meet me here after class," she said and walked away. *~*~*~* An ominous woman watched the image of Amara walking away in her dark crystal orb. She chuckled. A woman similar to her stepped beside her. "Do you think it'll work, Lyra?" asked the second woman.(the pronounciation of Lyra that we use is "LEE-ra") "Of course it will, Virgo," Lyra answered. "Now go. Get the Falcon of Fear his charitative energy." Virgo nodded and left. "Rhyonoke, you have succeeded in getting our target. Don't fail us now," Lyra said to the image of the guy that ran with Amara. *~*~*~* Starla was at her ballet class. There was another girl with her, the best dancer in the class. "I'm gonna go take a break," Starla said. She walked to where she had left her duffel and took a sip of water when... "Who are you?!" the dancer said to a woman holding a music box--Virgo. Virgo opened the music box and pressed a button in it, turning the dancer into a red cloud that floated into one of the six crystals that surrounded the image of a bird in the box's center. After closing the box, she looked at Starla, who had already transformed into Sailor Ice Star. "Don't even think about interferring with the gathering of charitative energy for the Falcon of Fear," Virgo said. As IceStar was going to attack, she disappeared. *~*~*~*(another boring note: we've based this story on the American dubs as you will see later in the fic. Just so you know, other stories we've partenered in will be based on the Japanese version, which we both prefer) Amara was amazed at how poorly Rhyonoke was doing. He knew the basics, he just wasn't focused on anything, just on winning. That's why she ran so swiftly, because she ran from her destiny, for a momentary escape. He too needed a reason, a desire that could make him go that extra distance, achieve that coveted goal. She checked her watch. "Listen, I'm late for a get-together," she told him. He walked up to her. "Well then, go. But you have to tell me how it is you always manage to win," he said, looking her straight in the eyes. "I'm going to the track later. Meet me there if you want. If not, then we'll talk tomorrow." "All right," Amara answered. She picked up her stuff and set off to the temple. ======= My favorite song...//...is on an old tape...//...with little scratches and a title with faded colors.//I see the blurry sunrise and the day begins.//I feel lonely all of a sudden...//...while I get used to my new life in the summer breeze.//((why the "//"? b/c that's where the tape changed subtitles, but "natsu no kaze" means summer breeze. I put the subs together so you can see it's a sentence translation, not phrase only))//I'm riding my bike...//...going somewhere far away from here;...//...never forgetting how fast the wind is going by.//Let's sing a song; looking up to the sky.//It's my life; I want to keep walking.//It's the endless road that I walk alone,...//...all by myself.//On uncountable crossroads,...//...I always get lost.//((That "you" part is pronounced with the "u" sound, unlike other times when it makes the "o" sound longer))//I manage to survive, but at times I am passed by streams of people who get ahead of me.//I will not forget...//...how important it is to meet others...//...and accept them for who they are in order for me to grow up.//((the "_" b/c I dunno if it's one word or not. The subs were wrong here. I checked w/ the kanji and kana of the soundtrack))//Let's sing a song; looking up to the sky.//It's my life; I want to keep walking.//I'm sure this is the right way to walk on...//...because it was my own decision.//The dream I have had while I was in my hometown...//...is what I remember when I'm feeling down.//Just like that old song told me,...//...all that I can do now is set up, little by little.//