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I don’t own Sailormoon or any likenesses... yatta yatta... Takeuchi Naoko-san does. And quite a great show/manga too. (Yes. Both are good. Especially for side characters such as Himeko and Kakeru. ^.^)

Hi, everyone!!!! This is a fic I’ve been working on at my site. I just can’t wait to see how it turns out! (Yeah, even I don’t know that! ^.^;) I’m excited about this fic. It’s my own little Himeko/Kakeru "saga". ^-^ I’m quite happy with this one. It’s still in progress, but I’ve planned somewhat ahead, and even have post-saga (and not-related-to-saga) adventures for the lucky characters!

Okay, I’m going FULLY DUB here. Not on their personalities and such, just on the language. NO JAPANESE. Yes, finally: a GataFairy fic that’s dubby friendly. There’s not really much that the Japanese would do.


At the lift off, she carried thoughts of happiness. During the flight, she slept. Near the landing, her thoughts floated back to Japan.

To the argument. She remembered trying to excuse herself, and Kakeru’s harsh interruption: “That’s enough!” She hadn’t known what to do. She could say nothing. She ran away, not wanting him to see her cry.

Himeko sighed. I guess I’ll stay with my parents for a while, she thought. I’ve nowhere else to go anyway.

The plane landed shortly. Himeko waited until the cabin was almost empty of people before she grabbed her purse from the compartment above her seat and exited. Head down, she walked down the short corridor that lead to the airport.

As she walked out, reporters surrounded her. She was shocked at first, then heard their questions.

“What are your comments on the Lunar Project?” “Please, say something.”

“Princess Kaguya exists on the moon,” she confidently said. She looked somewhat puzzled as she was surrounded by laughs from the reporters.

“A joke.” “Was that a joke you were thinking of?”

Himeko didn’t hear their next questions. Everything seemed to fall silent as she stared in silent shock at a man with white sand hair who was holding a bouquet of roses. He looked as if he was waiting for someone. Himeko knew who he was.

Kakeru… she thought. Her eyes took on a glassy appearance as she continued to look at him, reasoning as to why he was here. He’s probably come to meet someone else… It would be logical, I suppose…

When their gazes locked, she hoped she was wrong. A man walked between them, but neither let that distract their stares. Their eyes immediately met again, and he gave her a warm smile, which she joyfully returned. Pushing past the reporters, she rushed to the man with the flowers.

“Kakeru!” she called happily.

And upon receiving her in his arms, Kakeru said, “Hime.”

The press shot picture after picture of the two. Eventually, they left them to be alone.

“I thought you… weren’t coming,” Himeko said, still not confident enough to look up.

Kakeru handed her the roses, still smiling.
“Why would I do that?” he asked.

Himeko accepted the gift and hurridly shook her head “no”.
“No reason,” she said.

A few more minutes of conversation passed before either noticed they were still at the airport.

“Let’s go,” Kakeru said, wrapping his arm around Himeko’s waist. With her head resting on his shoulder, they exited.


The couple sat at the top of the stairs that lead to Kakeru’s appartment. They were barefoot, looking out to the ocean.

“What’ll you do now that you’re back?” Kakeru asked.

“I think I’ll look into some teaching openings,” Himeko replied. Besides the science and astronomy-related courses she attended, Himeko had finished a degree in teaching. If she ever taught, it would be science.

“That’s great,” Kakeru said.

“Actually, I already did most of the paperwork. Before I left. Now I just have to get a call from one of the schools.”

Kakeru looked at Himeko. She looked radiant. She was happy, and apparently about everything. He was so wrapped up in thought that when she spoke up, he was startled.



“I'm sorry for not believing you… And I’m sorry I got so angry.”

He just shook his head.

“It’s all right, Hime. I realize I exaggerated. I just… wanted you to be happy.”

She smiled.

“I’m happy now.”

He gave her a quick kiss.

“I’m glad.”

For the next week, Himeko stayed home, waiting to be called to work. And finally, she did get the call. She would be substituting a science teacher at the local high school.


Himeko’s first day at school, to teach, went much better than what she’d thought. She followed the absent teacher’s guide and taught every lesson on schedule, and it hadn't been tedious.

After about five minutes of stories of the day, Kakeru wondered if it had been wise to ask how her her day had been. A while later he began considering options to make her stop. Three seconds later he’d thought up about five. Then he realized it couldn’t be something that could get him sued, so he was left with one. He shrugged and decided he had nothing to lose by trying.

So he leaned forward and kissed her.

And as he’d thought, she immediately went silent and returned his gesture.

Those few minutes expressed far more than Himeko’s retelling of her “first day at school”.

When the blissful “moment” came to an end, they just looked at each other. Himeko smiled wryly.

“It’s rude to interrupt —” she said, “— but that was a very nice save.”

Kakeru laughed.

“Well, I’m glad it went well for you today,” he said.

“When I get back tomorrow, I’ll be more considerate and not say anything.”

Playing childish word-games such as teasing was ever-common between the couple.

“Noo!!” Kakeru whined. “I don’t mind! Really, I don’t!”


“Now, I need you to be very cautious with these materials, all right, everyone? I once encountered someone who put in a little too much of ‘chemical X’ into a tube. Luckily it was only a little. Otherwise — well, let’s not consider it.”

Short laughter filled the science lab. Himeko smiled. She sat at the desk to read from the textbook. She tapped her hand lightly on the desk, listening to the click sound her ring made.

“Mrs. Oozora?”

She looked up, not being able to keep from smiling. She and Kakeru had been married the past Sunday, so she was still adjusting to the new surname. She stood and walked over to the table where the student who called her was. After the question and the answer, she looked around at everyone.

At a table near the back, one student wasn’t looking at what beaker she was reaching for. She lifted it up and took a glance at where she was going to pour it. Himeko’s eyes went wide.

“Sachiko, don’t!!”

But Sachiko had already tilted the beaker enough for a few drops to fall, and the shock of her teacher’s voice didn’t help in pulling it back. Himeko had already begun the dash to the table. She pushed Sachiko and her partner away before they came in contact with the small-scale explosion. Everyone wanted to know what happened, but they kept quiet.

Sachiko recovered quickly from the fall and sat up.

“Is everyone okay?” Himeko asked. She still hadn’t opened her eyes. Her face felt hot since she’d been the one to come in contact with the failed science activity.

Everyone had nodded, Sachiko being the only one who spoke.

“Yeah. Are you?” she asked.

Himeko grimaced as she tried to sit up. She’d hurt her wrist in the fall.

“I’m fine, I just —” she stopped mid-sentence when she opened her eyes. She blinked several times and looked around the room. She drew in a horrified gasp, “…just can’t see anything!”


“I can do it on my own.”

Not a minute after she’d said that, Himeko collided with the doorframe of Kakeru’s appartment. She sighed heavily as Kakeru placed his hands on her shoulders and guided her walk inside.

“Okay… So I needed help with that,” she said, surrendering. “So what? I can get through a few days with these… bandages on… I think…”

At the hospital, her eyes had to be covered; they were sensitive to light after the accident.

“You can,” Kakeru insisted.

“Oh, don’t patronize me, Kakeru. I know my limits.”

"A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on." Winston Churchill American Name: Victoria Drake Japanese Name: Mugenko Gaikano Senshi Name: Sailor Sogna(Sogna=Dreams in Italian) Age/Birthdate: 23; February 29, 1977(often celebrated March 1st) Japanese name meaning: Dream Child of Victory(Gaika means victory) Item: Dream boomerang--bommerang with a cloud crystal where the extensions unite Henshin Item: unites could crystal to boomerang Henshi phrase: Fantasy Dream Power From: Elysion(The dream realm)(like Pegasus) Fave subject(college): Social Science; Mental and Emotional health Least fave subject: political science Likes: daydreaming;sleeping; fantasizing; helping ppl with problems Dislikes: cruel, self-centered ppl Fav color and gemstone: amethyst; rose zirconia Ambition: to be a psychologist or counselor Hair: black with pink streaks; down to her knees; almost curly...curly-wavy Eyes: purple Height: 5'9 1/2" Mission: guardian of the dream realm; protector of dreams Guardian: Pegasus Abilities: can communicate with Pegasus through the cloud crystal; travels between Earth and the dream realm Strong point: dream interpretation(psychologically) Weak point: nightmares nicknames: Vicky; Tori; Muso-san Introduction phrase: "I am Sailor Sogna, dreamer of victory, guardian of the Mythical Dream Realm. For precious dreams, I will destroy you for your attempt at creating a world of nightmares." Attacks: **Nightmare Dream Twister **Pure Dream Wave **Victorious Dream Boomerang **Fantastic Friend Reunion(for calling Pegasus; like Chibi/Mini Moon's Crystal Twinkle Bell) **Double Trouble Dream Attack(with Pegasus)