Jukaya University of
Medical and Astronomical Sciences

untitled for now


          No, that's not the title of the series; it's the name of the location of its characters, story, archives, and, if I'm nice enough, its secrets. ^^ This concept was born on Friday, August 16, 2002, and I'm writing that here because I want you all to know when the planning begun and how long it took to get published. ^~

          The currently titleless fic is still in the planning stage. (My mind works in the oddest ways; you'd be surprised. ^^) A few more elements need to be lined out, and I need more characters. (Not taking suggestions. ^^)

          I'm pretty sure this spawned from that series I wanted to do about people with wings, but I'm not sure if I'll connect them, or if I even want to, because this new idea is cool! ^^

          Thanks to listening to and going with an impulse, I've got five characters, more on the plot, and� stuff. My chemistry teacher helped me when I told her I was gonna base a character off her. (She got into it! ^^) I'm in debt. ^^ When this series gets dubbed, I'm going to personally request that SHE be the VA for her character. It can be NO OTHER WAY. ^^

Discovery�SpotlightThanksPlace, TimeIndulgence�Audio-visual
The Gate 1