Place, Time
The setting for Core Project Gem

On the University

          This series takes place in the not-so-near future and in the Western Hemisphere. (Believe it or not. >D) The setting is the campus of the Jukaya University of Medical and Astronomical Sciences, called JU or Jukaya. The university itself is pretty big. On its grounds is a hospital called, you guessed it, Jukaya Hospital. It serves as the "training area" for medics- and med technicians-to-be, as well as the campus and local hospital.

          Also on campus is the research facility which serves as Ground Zero for the Core Project. But, of course, no one knows this. They all believe it's a storage building, because that's what everyone is told. And none of the people involved in the project are allowed to tell about it, which is an automatic DUH. ^_^;


On the Gems

          There are ten types of Gems. They are also called Jewels or Jewelry, but "Gem" is the most common and most accepted term. Core Project scientists refer to them as Gems in the sense of an acronym: Geo Elemental Monster(s). Cool, ne? ^^ These are the ten types:

          They may appear humanoid or take on the shape of animals. These are the creatures that the Elite Force fights, and no one knows where they are from or why they came. No one, except for the deceased Tetsuo Jukaya and one other person.


On the Elite Force

          They are a group of fighters whose official name is I've no clue! They fight in "armor" called Coats (or a Coat). *sketch pending and will be so for quite some time*

          A rather new development is the Interface Connection project, which is planned to be used for battling Gems that are too far away to be reached quickly enough. The IC project may even be used when one of the fighters becomes injured. No physical pain is felt when in Connection. There is no need to synchronize with the Android Coats. They are designed to fit the user. However, the feeling of reality derived from Connection may get to the point of mental strain if the user is not accustomed to it, or if the user has forgotten that the AC is not his or her actual body.


On Classes

          Jukaya University focuses on astronomy and medicine in any of its specific fields. However, if a person chooses to major in, for example, pediatrics, he or she would be required to take astronomy-related courses. Basically, everyone is required to take courses in both medicine and astronomy. 1