Name: Laertes Age: 93 Gender: Male Height: 6'0" Weight: 155 lbs. Hair: Brown, split-ended and kept in a long ponytail Eyes: Blue Race: Angel Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Class: Psionic [Sonokinesis/Photokinesis] Weapons: An Oriental-style fan with blades at the tip of every stick Descrip: Laertes is a four-winged Angel whose wings are a pale shade of gray. He wears a sleeveless white shirt, long, loose-fitting black pants (think monk-like), and black moccassins. His skin is naturally borderline tanned (often leaning more towards untanned). His eyes are somewhat squinty by nature, and his features are sharp, but not rough. His eyes are a calm blue, disturbed only by freakish cross-shaped pupils. Background: Laertes used to be human. He was in his mid-twenties when an Angel turned him. Laertes had wanted to be a musician; he wanted to bring smiles to people's faces in these troubled times. The Angel -- who, after turning him, he never saw again -- stole that from him, and at first he could not understand why. It was after living as an Angel himself that he realized the reason behind the revolution. He sympathized. For a while, he was confused as to what he should do, what creed he should follow -- he had been human, but was now Angel. What was he, really, inside? Even in the present he is not entirely sure, but he has decided to accept his new existence as an Angel. He is quiet, mostly, wishing for a compromise between the races, even though he knows it is near impossible. ------------------------------ Stats: [90 points] Strength: 10 Agility: 13 Dexterity: 11 Defense: 11 Mag. Defense: 13 Intelligence: 12 Intuition: 11 Charisma: 9 HP: 120/120 MP: 180/180 Skills: Burst: Photokinetic ability. Creates a burst of bright light that temporarily blinds anyone in the vicinity and burns anyone in close proximity. Its effects can be negated if characters are hidden behind solid objects. (MP: 5-10, depending on the brightness/strength of the burst; a fairly basic skill.) Transparency: Photokinetic ability. Makes it so that his body can be seen through. Only a very faint outline is visible, becoming more pronounced as he is weakened. (MP: 12) Sound Distortion: Sonokinetic ability. Distorts the way any one person perceives sounds, which can lead to various reactions (not the least of which are headaches and nausea). (MP: 8) -- **************** Basics Your name: Gata Age: 18 Prefered email address: Prefered messanger service: AIM (HongouSydney) Live journal account (if any): gatafairy Past RPG experience: The most recent are Babysit on LJ, New_BSC on GJ, and Crystal_Falls on GJ Are you applying for a teacher or a student? Teacher The Character Name: Chantal Estevez Gender: Female Age: 25 School year in 2004-05: n/a Birthdate: January 12, 1979 Home State: New Jersey Height: 5'5" Weight: 112 lbs Eye color: -- Hair color: -- Family: Father (Luis, 59), mother (Rochelle, 54), brother (Edwin, 28) Reason why she/he was sent to Ashbury: To teach If teacher, what do you teach? Art Best subject: Art Worst subject: Classes to do with computers 3 music groups that your character likes: ABBA Hobbies: Painting, arts and crafts in general Personality What is she/he like? Please put at least two positive traits or qualities, and two negative traits or flaws. History: What was his/her life before coming to Ashbury? Iconage: Which celeb do you have in mind to use as your icon on the journal? (optional) Not yet. Please, write a sample journal. It can be either your personnal journal or what you will post on the board. Did you read the rules and are willing to abide by them? Yes~ Do you allow the mod to post the character profile on the website? Yes