Basics Your name: Gata Age: 18 Prefered email address: Prefered messanger service: AIM (HongouSydney) Live journal account (if any): gatafairy Past RPG experience: The most recent and active are Babysit on LJ, New_BSC on GJ Are you applying for a teacher or a student? Teacher The Character Name: Chantal Kane Gender: Female Age: 25 School year in 2004-05: n/a Birthdate: January 12, 1979 Home State: New Jersey Height: 5'4" Weight: 112 lbs Eye color: -- Hair color: -- Family: Father (Robert, 59), mother (Rochelle, 54), brother (Ken, 28) Reason why she/he was sent to Ashbury: To teach If teacher, what do you teach? Art Best subject: Art, Phys Ed Worst subject: Classes to do with computers 3 music groups that your character likes: ABBA, Vanessa Carlton, Joey McIntyre Hobbies: Painting, arts and crafts in general, dancing Personality What is she/he like? Please put at least two positive traits or qualities, and two negative traits or flaws. Chantal is exuberant and dynamic, an amiable person and teacher. She truly loves what she does and wants to share that love with her students. She is flighty and quite forgetful, but not irresponsible. She keeps her things in their proper places, and if anything isn't where it should be, she *will* have trouble finding it. Thus, Chantal tends to keep things neat and in order (though on occasion she's been known to forget to iron the day's shirt...). At times she seems like she hasn't grown up completely, which can be both a good and bad thing. History: What was his/her life before coming to Ashbury? Iconage: Which celeb do you have in mind to use as your icon on the journal? (optional) Not yet Please, write a sample journal. It can be either your personnal journal or what you will post on the board. Did you read the rules and are willing to abide by them? Yes~ Do you allow the mod to post the character profile on the website? Yes