
The Actors
They all kick buttcheeks, they do.

          These are the people in the limelight, the ones who bring the story to life, the ones with whom you empathize.

          And now, I'll try to tell you what they're like without giving away too much information about who they are, what they do, and what they will do and go through in the series…


Tenkuukaikatsu, Meiyuu
Name meaning: serene as the sky and the sea; sworn friend
Age: 12
Hair color: white
Eye color: sapphire blue
          Meiyuu is our star, our resident Samurai Sky. In Dreamscape, she and her best friends Yumeko and Akari fight alongside their guide, Raven. Meiyuu is pretty much the way her name describes her: collected, powerful (as the sky (ex., storms) and the sea), and someone who will fight for her friends without giving it a second thought. Her weapon is the Sword of the Sky, which she complements with her crystal shards bracelet — each shard represents a different power, which she infuses the sword with to attack her foes. Meiyuu's skills and confidence grow with her as the adventure progresses.


Name meaning: dream child
Age: 12
Hair color: dark, shiny green
Eye color: gold
          Meiyuu's best friend, Yumeko is cheerful, determined, and one who quickly cuts to the chase. She is the one who carries the coins which have the same attributes as the shards on Meiyuu's bracelet. Yumeko's weapon is a bow and a quiver of arrows. The coins are her tokens to learning how to attach their powers to the arrows she shoots. Brave and often brash, she is an excellent fighter and first rate best friend! Oh, and, she has a sort of crush-thing on Akari.


Name meaning: light, lamplight
Age: 12
Hair color: --
Eye color: --
          Meiyuu's other best friend, Akari is the older of the three, and while he may seem like a joker, he's actually the most rational of the friends. While all three of them doubted Raven could be trusted at first, Akari is the only one who thought about it for so long after they met. He's not one to rush into things too quickly unless one of his friends is in trouble, in which case he'll throw himself in front of them without thought. So, in a sense, it could be said that his love for his friends is his greatest weakness. His weapon is a glaive-staff thing with different-colored jewels embedded into it along its length. These jewels are where he keeps the beasts collected along the journey, beasts which aid them in their fights. Also, he's very skilled with his staff-glaive thing. He has a crush-thing Yumeko.


Name meaning: …duh…
Age: unknown; he looks Akari's age
Hair color: black
Eye color: black/really really dark gray
          Raven is the mysterious figure (well, person) who guides and, in a sense, trains Meiyuu, Yumeko, and Akari. He's very secretive, though, because he doesn't tell them why they're fighting (at least, one would think he doesn't), and he never really tells them (not soon, anyway) why them. He isn't one to smile very much, and he most certainly isn't one to seem like he's crusading for anything at all. But he does grow attached to the antics of the team after a while. He uses various weapons and is skilled with all of them.


Name meaning: dawn, sunrise
Age: unknown; she looks Meiyuu's age
Hair color: --
Eye color: --
          Yoake is the main baddie for a great part of the series. She uses the Sword of the Sea as her weapon and is a very skilled fighter. Almost stealthy in her ways, she is fond of confronting Meiyuu, and she would easily win at first. However, Meiyuu has her friends watching over her, and when they fail, Raven comes in. Yoake always retreats when the odds are against her.