I like to thank everyone for going back in Time.. Here you will find my collection of old 70,80,and 90's type of games.. From companys like Tomytronics, Coleco, Nelsonic, Tiger, Epoch and Many More.... I will also be adding my Hot Wheels Collection as the months go by.... I collect all kinds of toys, games, system and other stuff... Watch this site grow as I try to put everything I collect on it... So please stick around and enjoy.....
December 3, 2002
We now have a Game Room were you can play some games.. To play click on the Lets Play Link .. Enjoy... And Have Some Fun...
January 20, 2003
I've added a new page.. My Trade list.. Here you will find Items I have for trade or sell and at the botton of the page is my want list... I will keep updating my want list as the days and month goes by..
October 30, 2003
It's been a while since I've updated this site.. I have so much going on with other people sites (need to make money).. Now that I have a little time I hope to fix up this site a little..  So keep checking back..
January 19, 2004
I'm working on updating the hot wheels section and giving this site a better look.. I like the theme of the home page and will work on making it look better..
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