Welcome to gamecubePlanet. We just opened up again so give us a little time and we will have everything up and back to normal again.
              Posted by Gamecubeplanet 

I have added some new pokemon pages to my site. They have been added to celebrate our super moderator
PIkachu980 coming back.
Click here for the movie guide
Click here for the Pikachu page
Click here for the things to do page
You are free to use our images if they say gamecubeplanet in the corner.
Have a happy halloween and be safe.
           Posted by gamecubeplanet

I have changed my avatar since halloween is approaching. Also we have two new pages on our site. One is our
Pikachu art page. And the other is our Awards page. Enjoy!
            Posted by gamecubeplanet

I'm sick today. Otherwise I would have added a couple of pages. Sadly, I only got to add one. Its
pac-man world 2. I had gotton that one a week ago, & I didn't do squat about it on the main site. Also, I have another pac-man game, Its Vs, and I couls find any cheats when I played it. I even checked some of the best site on the web, still nothing. I hope I get better and have some big updates later.
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            Posted by Gamecubeplanet

I am sorry for not posting the news for when I updated. I was updating before, I just didn't say. First, I have a new navbar. Second, the
awards page is now on the nav bar. You can send in some awards when sending me a message on the forum. Also, I have added Nintendo 64 Reviews. The games I have added so far are Dr. mario 64, Super smash bros 64, and turok the dinosaur hunter. Next, I have added a forum links page. It contains links to our forum.
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