Character Creation

I will need the following from anyone applying to play in Games of Words:
1) A character sheet. You may have 400 points. Use them well.
2) A short writeup of your character's personality, background, goals and a flaw that that character possesses. I'd strongly caution against choosing naivete. This is not the game for that particular weakness.
3) An image, quote and short description of the character's background etc. to go on the site. This can be either different or the same as the one you send me with your character sheet.
4) An email that you are willing to give out to the other players in the PBEM. It will not be posted on the site unless you wish it to be.
5) A short story/introduction for your character. Probably something like 3-4 pages singlespaced, but there are no absolute length guidelines. Just show me you can write, that you have an interesting character, and that you are willing to take risks and initiative as far as developing said character.
6) Optional: If you would like to make a website for your character and have it linked, that would be lovely, but it is NOT required.

br> Email Francesca ASAP.

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