"'Tis policy and stratagem must do
That you affect; and so must you resolve,
That what you cannot as you would achieve,
You must perforce accomplish as you may."

CHIRON, of the Blood of Amber

Height: 5'7"
Weight: 140 lbs.
Appearance: Pale, shoulder-length dirty blonde hair, blue eyes.
Diminutive for a man, slightly built, and more pretty than handsome.

He has a number of tattoos down his left arm and upper back � bands of Celtic-type knotwork and strange stripes on his left wrist and hand.

There is an aura about him that tends to draw people in and hold their attention once they have noticed him. He seems completely unaware of how alluring he can be, and that only seems to add to his charm.

Symbol: A black circle with a silver beaker with red fluid in it.
Colors: Red, black and silver.

Chiron was born and raised in Shadow, and has his life moving between a few shadows, living out many different roles in them, although generally leaving when things went sour in whatever life he had chosen for himself. He didn't generally stay in a place for more than a year or two at a time.

Chiron died rather mysteriously during a conversation with the Inquisitor.

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