"Never again."

Gabriel, son of Merlin

Sitting in a comfortable, overstuffed chair before a roaring fire, Gabriel appears relaxed and holds a cigar in one hand and a glass of brandy in the other. He is dressed in a fine suit and seems at peace. His strong, handsome face is youthful and is framed by thick, dark hair and a short trim beard. The glint in his eyes is betrayed by the barest hint of a smile.

Noble, billionaire, playboy adventurer. Gabriel travels the world enjoying life and getting involved in whatever activity may take his fancy. A known lover of speed he has participated in almost every form of racing known, and tends to win more often than not. When not enjoying the luxuries of life he often goes off exploring, for someone of his social standing it is referred to as adventure, though if he were of a lower class he may have been called a tomb raider.

For more information on Gabriel, visit his website here.

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