The smile of iceboxes annihilates me.
Such blue currents in the veins of my loved one!
I hear her great heart purr.

From her lips ampersands and percent signs
Exit like kisses.
It is Monday in her mind: morals

Launder and present themselves.
What am I to make of these contradictions?
I wear white cuffs, I bow.

Is this love then, this red material
Issuing from the steele needle that flies so blindingly?
It will make little dresses and coats,

It will cover a dynasty.
How her body opens and shuts-
A Swiss watch, jeweled in the hinges!

O heart, such disorganization!
The stars are flashing like terrible numerals.
ABC, her eyelids say.

Key 11. Blinding beauty was the cornerstone of this card, which depicted an impossibly gorgeous woman, red-golden hair spilling like honey down the bare curve of her slightly tanned back, unreasonably blue eyes half-veiled by her lashes, the color of the lids above and below a pleasantly soft lavender-pink, like a bruised petal. Her lips were red, her form lithe and lush, and the turquoise-blue gown she wore slithered softly over her skin, barely covering her torso. She lay upon many silver-colored cushions, and she gently stroked the head of a gorgeous white tiger, blue eyed and docile.

Flora discovered that while Amber herself was changed greatly it was still possible to find much of desire in Shadow and that attunement to the previous Pattern worked much as Broken Pattern attunement had before the Breaking. She therefore immersed herself in Shadows, and it is believed that she knows more of them and their makeup and powers than any other living creature. Her discontent and later disgrace in Amber was more public than usual, enough so that it caused rumors that she is working undercover for the crown to discover the precise whereabouts of Fiona and Bleys.

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