O Rose Thou Art sick
The invisible worm
That flies the night
In the howling storm:

Has found out thy bed
Of Crimson joy
And his dark secret love
Does thy life destroy

Appearance: 5'8" 125 lbs, fair coloring, emerald eyes, waist length dark hair (almost black)
Colors : gold, sapphire , amethyst and black
Symbol: calla lily

Lyra is the daughter of Fiona. Their relationship is amicable. They can count on each other if caught in a bind. Fiona was Lyra's primary teacher of sorcery, conjuration and Pattern. Lyra gets along very well with her uncle Bleys, who also taught her many things regarding sorcery and conjuration. She considers her Uncle Bleys easier to approach and more fun to be around than her mother, usually. Lyra also got some early training with a blade from her Uncle Benedict. To this day their relationsip is an awkward one because he makes her nervous. When Lyra turned eighteen, she walked Dworkin's Pattern. Her mother was present should something go wrong, although nothing did. Lyra went on to Shadow Earth where she used her powers to learn how to heal both the mind and the body.

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