Welcome to a little slice of heaven that I call the Sprite Menagerie.  Click on the read first link to get the whole deal about this site.  Before you do; let me leave you with a little something to think about.  Escalators never break, they just become stairs.  Click on the pics of the systems to the left & right to enter their sections.
February 8, 2003
I will be opening the Gameboy Advance section real soon; for those who are waiting for that.  For now, look above to see this week's exclusive.  Check it out.
February 10, 2003
I have opened the GBA section today with two games: Guilty Gear X & Krazy Konami Racers.  Take a looksy.  Just a quick note.  I will be opening the Classic LED & Dreamcast sections within a couple days.
February 15, 2003
As I promised (I know I'm a little late), sprite sheets for the LED & Dreamcast sections.  For right now though I only have one Dreamcast game.  Just a heads up; I will be adding more Dreamcast games, plus a fair amount of Super NES games real soon.  I'll also will be opening the extremely exclusive Apple II section around the same time.
Want to know if I am making any sprite sheets for games you like?  Have a question you're just itching to ask me?  Email me at [email protected].  I'll be glad to help!
Disclaimer: Not a single sprite here belongs to me (with the exception of what's featured in the custom section).  They are property of their respective companies.  Nintendo, Capcom, Konami, SNK, Sega, Atari, Squaresoft, Id, Irem, Activision, MECC, etc.
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This weeks exclusive is Mature's Hidden Desparation Move (HDSM) from KOF 2002: Eternal Illusion.  Click on the pic to the left to go to the page containing the sprite sheets.
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