...the home of the Angel...
Great swordsman; quick, precise, and agile.  Beware drawing a sworld amongst this Demon, for he'll have your head.
Shadow Master:
Not only is this iron-clawed minion a ferocious adversary, but also a clever one.  His patience can easily be shown as he floats by, awaiting the slightest mistake.  Take heed...it's not just him you're fighting!
A literal inferno, this demi-demon was empowered by the flames which the Demon Ninja used to fashion his own blade, and to this creature, the more flames, the better!  Very few Ninja Arts would be useful in this case.
Like the Lord of Valhalla, this opponent wields a large hammer with the powers of the Storm.  Take caution, should he ever stay in one place for long.
Knowing the old never worked, even with new tactics, the cunning Demon Ninja created new minions to aid in the ranks around the world.
A trainer in the ranks of the Demon Clan, this bald ninja is as skilled as Ryu... was.  However, his slow speed and habitual heistation kept him from the higher ranks.  His only use: to safeguard the kidnapping of Irene Lew-Hayabusa.
One of Clancy & Foster's bionoids.  Supposedly superior to all, he may have destroyed Ryu three years ago.  However, Clancy's desperation forced him to release the prototype before it was finished, which led to its destruction.
  With time on their side, they finally completed this devastator.
*Ninja Gaiden, Ninja Gaiden 2: Dark Sword of Chaos, and Ninja Gaiden 3: Ancient Ship of Doom, are trademark and copyright property of Tecmo Inc.  Display of the images on this site are for ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY!
I, the Guardian, am not for profit in the creation of this website and make absolutely no money for it.  I do not work for Tecmo Inc., nor am I affiliated with Microsoft or Nintendo.  I am simply an enthusiast of the Ninja Gaiden Series.
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