Great Gaming Midis - Intro

Gaming music is highly underrated. Some of the music especially from squaresoft is absolutely unbelievable. The midis/mp3s on the pages here contain music which I like and has accumulated over a long period of time. You can go to the extra content page anytime to download all the midis in one zip file. This site is made as a tribute to the great game composers and the aim is to bring to the notice of people looking for good music the magnificent work they have done.

How to download files:
You can download the midi files by either
right clicking on file and the click save target as or you can go to the extra content page to download all the midis zipped.
All mp3s have to be downloaded individually. Lately there has been some problem downloading mp3s as the server refuses to process the request sometimes. Am working on it but you can still download if you are lucky.


Total Midis: 122
Total MP3: 34

Easy Access:

 << Intro -----(1) -----(2) -----(3) -----(4) -----(5) -----(6) -----(7) -----(8) -----(9) -----(10) -----(11) -----(12) -----Extra Content>>

 Site by GKS
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