Alumni Pics 1
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Alumni Pics 3
Active Album

Password Protected
Message Board

Dues Paid list
Updated 2001

Upcoming Events

Housing Corps Officers

E-mail Addresses

Alumni addresses
Newest changes and/or additions

* * * * * *
The original list:
A-H, I-Q, R-Z

Add or update your address and info


Sigma Pi Fraternity International

Murray State University

KY Lake Area Attractions

Sigma Pi - Gamma Upsilon Chapter

Official PayPal Seal

Please click on the following link to visit

the NEW Gamma Upsilon Chapter Alumni Website!


Thouroughbred Alumni Club

Contact Taylor Cline for ID & Password
Taylor Cline

Murray State University
Alumni Site

Dues for 2001 are payable now.
Have you paid?

Please note that we are charged less in fees by PayPal for payments of UNDER $15. More of your money would get to the Housing Corp if
you pay in increments of $14.99 or less. THANKS!!

Be Sure to Check Out our
Password Protected Message Board

Please contact Terry Griffin for the password or with questions & comments about our Alumni website.

If you are an Alumni Brother of our chapter (in good standing) please subscribe to our notification e-mail list. This list will only be used to pass on information regarding alumni activities, and will not be used to send jokes, or hoaxes, etc.

Click to subscribe to gamma_upsilon_alumni

You are visitor since July 17, 1999

This site was created ('99) by Stephanie Griffin
Little Sister '87-'89, wife of alumnus Terry Griffin

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