The flames raised higher as I moved around my house. I gathered Mikayla up as I rushed outside watching the house I had built with Derrick going down in flames. I looked up at the bedroom window and saw Derrick smirking as he yelled out the window.


"Both of you bitches are gonna die!"

I hopped in the car and began speeding down the road. I was scared as shit. In the rearview mirror I saw the police lights behind me. I pulled over, still visibly shaken. I sat there as the police officer approached my window. I rolled my window down and handed over my license and registration. I hand that and my proof of insurance over as he raises his cap. It is DERRICK! I speed off scared as I swerve and hit a tree!

As I awoke, I was in a hospital bed. I began to panic. I saw a nurse preparing a needle to give me some medicine. A familiar voice speaks.

"Don't worry. She is in good hands!"

The nurse turns to reveal it is Derrick. He sticks the needle in my neck. The camera pans out to show he is injecting me with morphine, and toxic doses.

"Derrick, why!"

With that... I woke up!


I awoke and shot up, sweat dripping down my body. Derrick, like most days, was gone to do his media appearances. He and I didn't see each other much. Maybe right now wasn't the time for me to see him anyway. I would probably wind up hurting him or killing him. We didn't need that. I walked down the steps and into the kitchen as I brewed some coffee and grabbed my black hoodie off the coat hook and put it on. I don't think I would ever get used to the cold in Wisconsin. I grabbed a mug and poured some of the coffee in as I began sipping it. Between sips I looked up at the camera.

"You know, I am getting sick and tired of this losing shit. Everytime I get close to the pinnacle I am cheated out of shit. At High Stakes, I was in prime position to win the match and then Jenny had to spray shit in my eyes. She doesn't know the beast she awakened.
Fast forward to the Universal Title battle royal. Something came over Ash Quinn. She raised her left hand. I got rid of her but she wasn't the same as when she was in the Shooting Star match. Something had come over her. A darkness had engulfed her. For once in my career, I was scared.


I tightened the strings of my hoodie as my glow in the dark contacts glow red. I laughed a bit as I continued.

"I am no longer scared, nay, I am intrigued. It seems the Left Hand is sinking their fangs into anyone with any skill in this company. Ash Quinn was the first. Seems as if it is inevitable that Lycana is going to join. This Left Hand group is not the Black Circle. This team seems more like an actual team and not some random wanna be stars thrown together to make Thaddeus Duke look better. They seem to have a focus and a mission. Maybe I should join them. Seems my psyche would fit right in. I mean, I had opportunity but would it help my career? Sure I am a team player but, ultimately, I needed an opportunity to better myself too.

I stood up and paced as I looked all around. I reached out with my left hand and grabbed my Anarchy Title. I looked at it as I threw it to the ground. I stomped on it a few times.

"I am no longer going to be known as a throw away, flash in the pan champion. No longer would I be seen as a joke. It is time for me to show who I truly am. It is time for me to win by any means necessary."

I threw the mug to the ground. I shook my head as I looked down at it.

"XWF, are you listening to me now? That mug symbolizes everything you have stood for for the last twenty years. You have been around a long ass time and have yet to evolve. An evolution is coming.
Ash Quinn, I want to applaud you. You did something NO ONE else had the balls to do. You broke the mold. You redefined what it means to change everything in order to succeed and my hat is off to you for that. I am in awe of how easy it seemed for you. I wish I had that kind of guts. To stand out for something that no one else wants to do. I don't want to be just another Atara Themis or Jenny Myst. I want to show that others should want to be another Geri Vayden. I want others to see what I am capable of and YOU have sparked that emotion. You have awakened me into realizing that I have been lying to everyone and lying to myself about who I am. Sure, I am an Olympic gold medal winning gymnast. I need to show that, since then, I am not the girl next door anymore. I may be the daughter of a junkie but that doesn't doom me to falling into the same problems. I need to show my true self, my inner self."

I clicked the lights off as a demonic sounding voice can be heard.

"Geri Vayden is gone. At least in the form you all knew. She is changing. We will help! We will guide her!"

The lights come back on and Geri runs her left hand over her face leaving a trail of blood along her cheek as the scene ends.

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