

(These were written during college and high school. For more recent writings, please go to My B-logs and My Forum)


Untitled novel written in the summer of 1998 - I must have read too much Dostoevsky.

My River, My Stone

This is a little lovely poem written many years ago. Published in Essay Communication, Xinlei Publishing House. Pity that I am not writing POEMS anymore.
Feel the Stray Birds
I love Tagore's Stray Birds, with so many nice lines in it. Here are some of my thoughts on some especially nice ones. Published in 1994.
Music: String and Finger
Where did the music come from? The instrument or the player? What an interesting realization of music's origin! Su Shi's poem prompted me to think about this. Published in 1996.
Endless Questions
Why is it spring? Why is it life? Why is it nature? These philosophical questions linger on my mind. Published in Essay Communication, Xinlei Publishing House.
Falling Rain
Rain has been falling from ancient times till now. A really lasting phenomenon indeed. So are life and human affections. Published in 1995.
Margins of the Book
Free associations on literature of Bin Xin, Ba Jin, Bian Zhilin and San Mao. Not criticism, but personal feelings. Published in Essay Communication, Xinlei Publishing House.
Song of the Birds
There are red woods and palms outside my window. They are home to many birds, who sing songs for me. Published in 1994.
Swan Lake
Unexpectedly, Tchaikovsky has brought me so much delight. Published in 1995.
Version 2.0

Why Do We Chat Online ? Version 2.0
How come there is a Version 2.0? An editor of Xin Min Evening read the original version on my homepage and would like to republish it on his section for discussion. So I revised it, which was published on Sep., 28, 2000.
Freudian Analysis of the Author's Motivation to Write Jane Eyre
We have been appreciating this book for long. Why did the author write Jane Eyre? From some literary facts, I make a few speculations on her motivation of writing this book, using psychologist Freud's theory.
Why Do We Chat Online?
Why do so many people get addicted to the online chat? From my personal experience and thoughts, I have some to say. This essay was published in Shanghai Computer Weekly magazine.
Walking in the Rain
It is almost a bliss to walk in the rain without an umbrella. It reflects a life attitude to go beyond what is commonplace.
Am I really environment-friendly? Or just someone who pretends to be so? From this perspective, I also comment an in trend with frown.
Relish of Work
Lao She said, there is particular kind of "healthy fatigue" after work. Hehe, I agree! And I cherish the results of my work so much. Published by Shanghai People's Press.
Bloom of Truth
About a little poem of Tagore on Nature. Published in 1996.
The National Day
The company where I work encouraged us to contribute some poems to celebrate China's 50th National Day in 1999. I wrote an essay instead. Very natural patriotism.

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