Reservations for Four…

          "Shit, look at the time," Gina gasped checking her watch. "I have to get back."
          "What, now?" Greg asked, slightly miffed.
          "No, next Tuesday," Gina sarced as she crammed her note pad and Dictaphone back into her bag.
          "But we haven't finished the interview," Greg pleaded.
          "I've got enough to make you sound witty and charming," Gina rushed.
          "You mean I'm not witty and charming?" Greg asked dejected.
          "Do you really want me to answer that?" Gina mused as she slipped her bag over her shoulder.
          Greg pondered the question for a moment. "So what time am I picking you up?" he asked.
          "Picking me up?" Gina asked as she fiddled with her cell phone.
          "For dinner," Greg perked.
          Gina looked at him and bit her lip. "Let's just meet at the restaurant huh?"
          "You don't want me seeing where you live?" Greg asked.
          "Oh no, nothing like that. But I figure I'm going to be running late now anyway, so it'll just be quicker to meet at the restaurant," Gina replied.
          Greg smiled. "Ok, I believe you…I'll make some reservations, actually I'll get Emma to do it, give that mouth of hers something to do."
          "Oh that sounded so…" Gina began.
          "Yeah, I know," Greg finished.
          They both sniggered, Gina leaned over and planted a kiss on Greg's cheek.
          "Later Speccy," she perked, before turning and leaving.
          Greg watched her leave and then noticed a small boy was chasing his dropped "Happy Meal" toy in his direction. It stopped next to Greg's foot and the boy looked warily at him.
          "You bite me and I'll drop kick you over the counter," Greg scorned.
          The boy grabbed his toy and ran.

          "I can't believe we drank two pots of tea," Fenny gasped.
          "I can, my bladder feels like it’s about to explode and drench the room in my rank piss," Paul announced.
          "You know, that's a really charming image," Fenny breathed, trying not to imagine it.
          "I'll be back, I think I know where the toil…" he paused and grinned, "bathrooms are."
          Paul left the table and disappeared out of the café, Fenny felt herself eager for his return. Although she wasn't quite sure why, as he was quite possibly the strangest person she'd ever met.
          Paul returned several minutes later wiping his hands on his jeans.
          "So, what have you got planned for this evening?" he asked.
          "I'm spending it with a friend," Fenny replied.
          "Oh yeah," Paul mused and raised an eyebrow.
          "Not that kind of friend," Fenny countered.
          "I never said a word," Paul said innocently.
          Fenny checked her watch. "I should go, I'm sure you've better things to do."
          "Better? I've had a three hour conversation about art with someone who cares and isn't a pretentious prick," Paul enthused.
          "Thank you, I think," Fenny blushed and got to her feet.
          They walked out of the gallery together in silence. It wasn't until they hit the warm afternoon sun that Paul spoke.
          "I'd love to do this again," he announced.
          "Yeah, so would I," Fenny nodded.
          "You got a pen?" Paul asked.
          Fenny stuck her hand in her bag and handed Paul a biro. He took her hand and gently wrote his phone number on the back.
          "Call me," he ordered.
          "Yes sir," Fenny mused.

          Fenny arrived back at Gina's apartment to the sound of mumbling from Gina's room. She poked her head around the door and saw Gina clawing through her wardrobe.
          "What are you doing kiddo?" she asked.
          "Looking for something decent to wear," Gina replied looking over a red, glittery top.
          "Why?" Fenny asked, as she wandered in and flumped on Gina's bed.
          "Because, well…Greg's taking me to dinner," Gina mumbled.
          Fenny laughed. "I knew you couldn't resist him."
          "He was just so…" Gina began.
          "It’s ok, I understand completely," Fenny cut in.
          "Thanks," Gina smiled and deposited the red glittery top in a draw. "You're very perky, where have you been?"
          "I went to the art gallery," Fenny said nonchalantly.
          "And?" Gina asked curiously.
          "Let's just say, I found something more to look at than art," Fenny giggled.
          "Fenny, you sly bugger," Gina gasped. "Tell me more."
          "Not a lot to tell, his name is Paul, he's very sweet and he gave me his number," Fenny sighed and showed Gina her hand.
          "Call him," Gina demanded.
          "Now?" Fenny gasped.
          "Yeah, come to dinner with us…oh go on, it'll be fun," Gina begged.
          "You just don't want to be alone with Greg in case you can't control your urges," Fenny scorned.
          "I don't know what you're talking about," Gina lied weakly. "Oh go on," she added.
          "I barely know him," Fenny grumbled.
          "If you don't call him I will," Gina ordered.
          "Ok, ok…I'll do it, but he'll probably say no," Fenny huffed and disappeared out of the room.

          Gina grabbed her cell phone and called Greg, his phone was off so she left him a message to change the reservations otherwise she'd kick his arse. Fenny returned several minutes later, trying to hide a smile.
          "A double date it is," she announced.
          "YES," Gina perked and hugged Fenny.

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