Questions Only…

          Ryan Stiles looked down at the pitiful gathering of young b-grade actors that had gathered for his twice-weekly improvisation class. They were absolutely awful when it came to doing improvisation. They didn't take it seriously and often spent more time giggling than honing their skills. This pissed Ryan off and it took all his skill as an actor not to let loose with a barrage of expletives at them.
          "Right…we're going to try questions only," he announced, motioning for the students to get into position.
          "Is that what you want us to do?" replied one smart arse.
          "Would you rather have this bottle surgically removed from your ass?" Ryan replied motioning to the bottle of Coke in his hand.
          The young actors began their pitiful attempt and after only a few seconds Ryan yelled for them to stop.
          "And you wonder why you never get good roles…Christ," he spat, running his fingers through his hair.

          "Can anyone join this class?" a voice piped up from the shadows of the doorway.
          "Who wants to know?" Ryan asked.
          "Do you really have to ask?" Colin mused stepping forward.
          "What are you doing here?" Ryan said shocked.
          "Would saving you from this be a good enough answer?" Colin replied raising his eyebrows as he scanned the room.
          "And how do you propose to do that?"
          "Would you like to hear my idea?"
          "Is it a good idea?"
          "Does it matter?"
          "Can we talk about this later?"
          "Do you mind if we talk about it now?"
          Ryan paused at looked at the students. "Anything would be less painful than this," he sighed.
          Colin grinned and turned to the students. "And that is how we play questions only…class dismissed."

          The dumbfounded students collected their things and left.
          "So why are you here?" Ryan asked leaning against a table and crossing his arms.
          "Well I've been thinking…" Colin began.
          "Ohh this could be dangerous," Ryan jeered.
          Colin gave Ryan an 'I'm serious' look and continued. "Since Whose Line was cancelled I've found it very hard to get work and so have the others I imagine. Only you and Drew have secure jobs…"
          "Col I can get you back as Eugene if you need the money," Ryan offered.
          "I've got a better idea…I want to get Whose Line back," Colin said proudly.
          "Oh and how do you propose we do that?" Ryan said doubtfully and began to pace. "Break into the ABC studios. Hijack a studio and broadcast Whose Line live across the USA," he laughed.
          Colin grinned even more, "Yep."
          Ryan's face fell. "No way Col…it can't be done."
          "Who says? It hasn't been tried…I've got it all planned out," Colin said excitedly.
          "It’s totally crazy…it'll never work," Ryan spat.
          "Ry trust me…I'm Canadian," Colin laughed.
          Ryan was still unconvinced.
          "Well are you in?" Colin asked crossing his arms and unable the wipe the smile from his face.
          "This is mad…I would expect this from someone else…Greg maybe…but you…it’s stupid, puerile, damn risky and completely and utterly insane…" Ryan snapped. "I'm in," he added with a small smile.
          "Excellent…now the first part of my plan is that we go to England and start the recruiting there…" Colin beamed turning to leave the room.
          "Hey great id…hey…did you say England…" Ryan asked his voice falling into a panic as he followed Colin out.

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