The Omen and a Bottle of Vodka…

          "Are you sure you don't want me to stay here and deal with things at this end?" Ryan pleaded as he and Colin walked into the airport terminal.
          "You will get your ass on the plane and come to England whether you like it or not," Colin replied in a controlled voice.
          "Jeez, since when did you become so mean?" Ryan asked.
          "Since I became the butt of every bald joke ever imaginable," Colin replied as they sidled up to the check-in desk.
          "See this isn't so bad," Colin soothed as they took their seats.
          "Yeah it’s a dream come true," Ryan replied, already pale and sweaty. He caught the eye of an air hostess. "Excuse me can I have a drink?"
          "Certainly sir, I'll get you an orange juice just as soon as everyone is seated," she said smiling pleasantly.
          "Thank you but I was actually thinking of something a bit stronger," Ryan half begged.
          "I'm sorry sir but you'll have to wait until we've taken off," scowled the air hostess before she made her way up the aisle to help an elderly couple reach the overhead lockers.
          Once in the air Colin couldn't help but look pitifully at Ryan who was gripping the arm rests for dear life. His knuckles were white and he looked positively ill.
          "Excuse me," Colin chirped motioning to the air hostess. "Could my friend have a beer? Better make that two," he said, looking at Ryan again.
          The air hostess obliged and passed Colin the drinks before disappearing. Colin passed Ryan the drinks and he sculled them in a matter of seconds and then reached for a duty free bottle of vodka. Colin sighed and plugged in his complementary headphones.

          Colin woke a few hours later and looked over at his friend. Ryan had passed out, both the bottle of vodka and several more beer cans lay strewn and empty on the fold down table. Colin noticed Ryan had begun to drool and wished his legion of fans could see him now.
          Colin noted that a few ads were on the plane's television screen and decided that he might as well tune into whatever was going to come on next. He'd only just got his headphones back on when a familiar theme tune and voice over came on.
          "Hello and welcome to Whose Line is it Anyway?"
          Colin grinned and took it as an omen that what he was doing was right. He was tempted to wake Ryan, but then decided against it. Instead he removed the headphones and listened and what he heard made him smile even more. Raucous laughter emanating from the passengers. He'd never heard a group of people on a plane so jovial in his life. Colin knew then that what he was doing was right, Whose Line made people happy and if it meant doing something illegal to get it back, he was willing to take the risk…well sort of.

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