Terra Firma

          As they waited for their bags at Heathrow, Ryan fell to his knees and kissed the ground.
          "Must you do that?" Colin grumbled.
          "Beautiful, sweet, solid ground," Ryan perked, getting back to his feet.
          Colin shook his head; perhaps he should have left Ryan at home.
          They staggered out of a taxi and into a swanky hotel lobby.
          "I'll do the talking," Colin said in a low voice as they approached the desk.
          "Yes, can I help you?" asked the young man behind the desk.
          "We'd like a room," Colin replied.
          "Well I didn't expect you to be asking to look at our selection of ladies wear," smarmed the man.
          Ryan leaned forward to look at the young man's name tag. "Julian my good man�I wouldn't want to have to get nasty�just cut the smart ass routine and get us a room," he said, letting the full extent of his pissed off mood flow into the statement.
          "Room 401," scowled Julian passing Colin the key.
          "Thankyou," Colin smiled and they headed into the elevator.
          They found the room easily and Colin unlocked the door. They stepped inside and froze.
          "The bastard's given us one bed," Ryan spat.
          "At least it�s king sized," Colin said meekly.
          "I'll go back down and get us two singles," Ryan announced.
          "Oh don't bother�I don't plan to sleep much anyway," Colin sighed.
          Ryan looked at Colin oddly.
          "Keep your mind out of the gutter," Colin groaned.
          "As if I would think like that," Ryan said unconvincingly.
          Colin wandered over and took a seat on the end of the bed. "Remember the last time we had to share a bed?" he giggled.
          "Not really�I was particularly drunk at the time�Although I do recall that you like to snuggle," Ryan mused as he took the liberty to inspect the bar fridge.
          Colin couldn't tell if Ryan was lying or not and responded by falling back onto the bed and stretching out.
          If things went to plan in a couple days Whose Line would be back.

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