P I L O T : The Gathering

[Sinclair's office]

Sinclair [about Vorlons]: "What about their psychology, customs, social order... how far they go on a first date?"


Londo: "You're a security chief. Shouldn't you be out.......... securing something?"

Garibaldi: "I am. I'm securing you. The new ambassador arrived early. The Commander wants to make sure you'll be in the welcoming party."

Londo [grunts]

Garibaldi: "Now, be a good ambassador and promise you'll be at docking bay 9 in two hours."


G'Kar [quite casually] to Lyta: "We have no telepaths among my people; a genetic oversight I suppose; one which you could help correct. I am empowered to compensate you quite handsomely for your genetic background. The direct mating is far more cost effective. Now, would you prefer to be conscious our unconscious during the mating? I would prefer conscious but I don't know what your [long pause] pleasure threshold is.

[The Garden]

Sinclair: "Just before he died the Minbari assassin looked at me and said, 'There is a hole in your mind.'"

Delenn: "An old Minbari insult. Nothing you need worry about."

Sinclair: "Maybe. It's just... there's a 24-hour period in my life that I can't account for. It happened during the war with your people. You wouldn't be holding anything out on me, would you old friend?"

Delenn: "Commander, I would never tell you anything that was not in your best interest."

Sinclair: "Well, we'll talk about this again one of these days."

[The Garden]

Sinclair: "A poem: a story in meter or rhyme."

Delenn: "Ah... There once was a man from Nantucket..."

Sinclair [chuckling]: "You've been talking to Garibaldi again haven't you?"

Delenn: "Yes. How did you know?"

Sinclair [chuckling]: "Oh, just a wild guess."

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