Dolphin Links Page

Here you will find a number of interesting links about dolphins and whales.

Whales & Psychodrama - Psychodrama workshops in the company of whales in Patagonia, Argentina.

The Dolphin Institute - Current research by Drs. Louis Herman & Adam Pack of the Kewalo Basin Marine Mammal Laboratory, University of Hawaii, where I volunteered for 5 years.

Dolphins Plus - A "swim with the dolphins" program.

Dolphins and Man... Equals?

Wild Dolphin Project

AquaThought Foundation - Exploration of Human-Dolphin interaction.

Marine Mammal Stranding Center

Whale Conservation Institute

Bottlenose Dolphins - From Sea World's Education Department.

John C. Lilly Home Page - Many of his articles and research with downloadable recordings of dolphin sounds.

Dolphin Synergy - An excellent review of dolphin lore through the ages. The site addresses issues pertaining to the relationship between man and dolphins.

Careers in Marine Mammal Science - Don't miss this site as it is filled with helpful information.

Earthwatch - Paying volunteers work with scientists all over the world.

American Cetacean Society

Careers in Oceanography, Marine Science & Marine Biology - Lots of links to career resources around the world.

Dolphins Encounters - Another "swim with the dolphins" program. Very nice page.

Society for Marine Mammology

Cetacean Pictures:
Daniel McCulloch Galleries150 original Dolphin photos and an online order form.

Dolphins Galore - Almost everything dolphin related.

Cetacean Sounds:
Dolphin Sounds - A nice collection of sounds.

More Dolphin Sounds

Sounds of Whales & Dolphins

The Big Girls
Hugs 'n Stuff
Juggling Dolphin Home
Big Girls

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