....."It began in the future. A scientist turning to evil, a time machine called TRAX, criminals who vanish, and a lawman with a mission. He has one weapon and a computer called SELMA. With her, he will travel to a time more innocent than his own. Now he is among us, a special breed of man, travelling through our world, searching for fugitives from his own, knowing he cannot go home until he has found them all. His name is Darien Lambert and this is his story."



Welcome to Teri's Time Trax Directory

 If you know of any Fan Fiction Stories that feature Time Trax even in a small role or any general links, please let know via e-mail at [email protected]






If you read a story you like, please remember to send feedback or leave a review. It might encourage the author to write more Time Trax fan fiction.

"Cadet, The" by Lissa Grinstead
Darien Lambert finds a cadet from the academy who has been working in the 20th century
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/8798/1/ or http://www.thewateringhole.com/cadet.html

"Convergence" by The Scribe (Linda Thackeray)
Darien Lambert discovers that the future has been changed. The world he left is now being ruled by machines. Darien must find a way to restore the future he knew. His only hope: to find and protect the ancestor of John Conner. But this time, the Terminator isn't targeting John's mother. . . Crossover with Magnificent Seven and Terminator.
http://lalibrary.net/m7/stories/ow/convergence/convergence01.html or

"Just Like Old Times" by Amparo Bertram
A crossover between the worlds of Forever Knight and Time Trax.

"Mankind's Future" by Effie Burton.
A Time Trax / Starman Crossover

"Out Of Credit" by T. L. Dean
- Script Format

"Second Time Around, The" by Aneiki-Rose
Darien Lambert encounters a remarkable young man, an unusual ally and a 22nd Century conspiracy. Throw in a few surprises and the mix is interesting...

"Whereabouts Unknown" by Lissa Grinstead
Sam leaps into one of Darien's fugitives. Meanwhile, his body disappears. Crossover with Quantum Leap
http://www.thewateringhole.com/ttql.html or http://www.fanfiction.net/s/8808/1/

"Xander Trax: Cop on the Hellmouth" by Tohonomike
Xander's Halloween budget is near zip, but Ethan cuts him a break 'cause he liked the show. Crossover with Buffy:TVS
http://www.tthfanfic.com/story.php?no=7140 or http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2473154/1/





General Links:

IMDB - Time Trax
Cast and Production Notes

Journals of Darien Lambert
Characters, Episode Guide, Picture Gallery, FanFic, Sounds, Clips, & Links

Many Faces of Darien Lambert, The
Photos and Links

Space Rangers' Time Trax
Images and Episode Guide

TV Acre's Beginning and Ending Narrations
First and Second Season Opening Narrations

TV.com - Time Trax
Summary, Episode Guide, and Cast Information

UK Terrestrial Cult TV - Time Trax
Picture Gallery

Wikipedia - Time Trax
Summary Article (Repeated on several other websites)






MPPT (Miniature Pellet Projection Tube)
The one used in Time Trax was engineered to look like a car remote. The MPPT had three type of pellets that could be fired: Blue pellets knocked a person out for 2 minutes, green pellets for 3 hours. Red pellets contain TXP, the chemical required to send the fugitive back to the 22nd century. For More Information: http://www.tvacres.com/weapons_mppt.htm

SELMA (Specified Encapsulated Limitless Memory Archive)
Similar computers were issued to all any Police Officer in 2193 that achieved the rank of Captain. SELMA was unique in that she was programmed specifically for Darien and his mission. She was designed to look like a credit card and the holographic image she projected was based on a photograph of Darien's mother (whom he never knew). For More Information: http://www.tvacres.com/computers_beings_selma.htm

Trax Project (Transtime Research and eXperimentation)
Created by Dr. Mordecai Sahmbi - A time machine that permitted travel precisely 200 years into the past although some theorize it is into an alternative dimension's past however the issue was never really addressed. For More Information: http://www.tvacres.com/spacecraft_time_trax.htm

Used in time travel. A substance that helps align the molecular structure of the person being transported so that they could withstand the rigors of time travel. For More Information: http://www.tvacres.com/chemicals_txp.htm





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