1ACX01          ???          "THE PILOT"

Member Garrett modeling for Ally Kennedy's
new Camera

Member Garrett enjoys his new pass time

Member Garrett hates his new pass time

Member Fisher and Garrett, show they got
Old School skills

Member Fisher is shocked to find out Spongebob Squarepants isn't a
real person

Fisher and Garrett enjoy a drink in the fields of Middle Earth

"This guy man...this guy...
he's the guy man,
he's the guy"

Member Garrett chilling with Manfather

Member Garrett gets a little to into Metallica

Manfather showing how
the game is played

"Spongebob isn't real!?"


I got no fucken clue what he's doing

Tools of the trade

Guarding Middle Earth ain't easy


Member Fisher tries to kick Member Garrett in the
no no place

More of the beating

Bud's all the way

Windy night in
Middle Earth

Who knows?

Singing Girl... damn she's hot

Middle Earth

Member Garretts Hell Hounds

The Hell Hounds: Zoe & Beasley

Member Garretts Metallica Gear

Member Garretts Station of Pleasure

Members Garrett & Member Fisher enjoy some free time in the local gay Bathhouse

Member Garrett shortly before the light bulb smash

Look out for Member Fisher he's bad ass son of a bitch that don't take no guff from nobody

Showing off his new Prince Tie..... I swear im not gay

Peas in a Pawd!

We own Ponce and JFK

Member Garrett and Garrett Sr. after the Metallica concert

Member Garrett and Ally Kennedy night of the concert

The Hounds Rest

"Atleast I live Fisher"

The immortal patches

Don't call me gringo you fucken beaner

Member Garrett's Death Mobile

Hey kiddies want some candy?

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