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Land's End to John O'Groats
888 Miles on Bikes!
In aid of Yorkshire Cancer Research
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Final total raised = £2,218
£2,218 / 888 miles = £2.50 per mile
(£1.25 per mile each)
Well done Gary and Roberto !!
Yorkshire Cancer Research funds internationally renowned research at universities and associated teaching hospitals throughout Yorkshire. Its work is helping the fight against prostate, lung, skin, oesophageal and cervical cancers to name a few. By supporting Yorkshire Cancer Research you will be helping to find cures.
[ Roberto and Gary by a sign-post at Land's End ]-[ Gary and Roberto standing at Duncansby Head near John O'Groats ]
Left: Roberto (left) and Gary at Land's End just before embarking on their adventure.
Right: Gary (left) and Roberto 888 miles later at John O'Groats.
Gary and Roberto are both scientists working for The University of Hull.  They are engaged in cancer research at the MRI Centre at Hull Royal Infirmary, a centre that benefits from the support of Yorkshire Cancer Research (YCR).
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Page most recently updated 18 August 2006 by Dave Manton.
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