Summer Time
Sara & Melia love to be outside. 
They love the ponds in the yard and they have a great time with Erika our neighbor! 
Sara loves to read!  She carries books everywhere!
Sara played T-ball this summer.  She really had a great time!  She loved the games!  Her team finished in 1st place!
Sara celebrated her 6th birthday June 15th.  She had a softball game the night of her birthday, we just had cake and presents.  She celebrated with 23 of her friends at the park.  That was a crazy time!
Tyler's baseball season just ended.  He had a good year.  His team learned a lot and had a good time.  We went to an Omaha Royals game (left) and Tyler, Seth and JD got picked to go out on the field and do a dizzy bat race (bottom left).  Below is just a small portion of the cheerleading squad!  Those 4 had a great time at the games!
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