Welcome, I am responsible for most of the chaos, perversion and hate you find in this site.  Believe me it is no easy task but it has to be done.  I for the most part hate everyone and it is an art that I've perfected in.  You might ask yourself why I hate everyone if I dont know everyone...its real simple, everyone dislikes me and thereforth I despise everyone in a very special way.  Not that hate is a bad thing, it is something you should come to terms with and be honest and open about it. If I dont like you I will tell you, and I move on with my life and it continues on.  Come to think of it, I dont really hate everyone all the time.  I well, tolerate everyone... it is something that as humans we tend to do even though we really dont want to deal with it.  I dont think anything hurts my feelings because I am numb and I believe in a way that I am invisible and wish to be invisible to the world.  I'm sure there are many of you just like me out there so let it be as it should.
                                                                                              - Johnny
Its a sign of your own worth sometime if you are hated by the right people.
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Sad site, and in your honor..I will go to Red Lobster tonight and feast on sin.
Rating: get a chuckle or two on this parody site, it wouldnt be funny if it wasnt true.
This is very interesting, women hating men..not a surprise there but a word of advice ladies if you tend to claim to "hate" men so much stop fucking the mail man, mixed signals are always confusing for everyone.
Rating: Kind of cruel and then again true you can only admit your faults.
A few very unfortunate people hating their miserable pathetic lives and sharing it with the world they hate so much.  Classic, brings me back to my days.
Rating: I think I will post in this site sometime I dont mind sharing my hatred with others that is why I am alive.
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