Well hello there my precious ones...this is my page of candycanes...ding dongs and hohos.. eclair and donuts if you wish...ah yes, if you havent figured it out yet my darlings then you need to get out some more.  I am a transexual..very proud of that...thank you all no need to applaude.  But anyway my dears I have alot of goodies in store for you all.  Including a special interview with one person from a designated website or a person that wishes to be interviewd by yours truly.  I also have in store a "how to" guide, teaching you curious fellows what you need to get in touch with your femenine side...Oh it will be loads of I have managed to post an interview with this interesting and troubled little creature,read and enjoy.  
FRANZ: thank you for joining us tonight my sweet..what is your name? or names..*giigles*
SPIDER: I rather you not call me your "names" is logan.
FRANZ: Oh goodie gumdrops a sarcastic Logan...I emailed you for this interview because it seems from what your profile says that your a little homophobic are you not?
SPIDER: No, all I said people arent quite right in the my opinion i think if you are gay you have a mental imbalance or disorder.
FRANZ: Interesting theory there logan but isnt that a little harsh? what if I were to tell you that if that is the case we all have that same chemical inbalance.  it is proven, almost everybody has the desires and or thoughts or curiousity to explore with another of the same sex.  But I am going to guess now that you are going to deny that and rightfully dont want to look at all gay do you.? 
SPIDER: Dude, Im not attracted to men..and will never me is a sickening thought.
FRANZ: Meaning you have thought about would you be able to know how sickening it is until you think about it maybe once.
SPIDER: Even you know that everyone knows how gay people fuck it isnt something people have no idea about.
FRANZ: ok, then...why the hatred towards us..unless you were interested in finding out more.  Tell me the truth and get to the bottom of this little orgy of ours.
SPIDER: No such orgy you sick dilusional twit. I think i've made a mistake..I must have been realy high yesterday to agree with this...have a nice life you carnival freak.
FRANZ: *weaps* and so there, now..I am a carnival freak..what is happening to humanity where oh where is acceptance..and why has it forsaken me?  *sniffles* well, just needed to get that out of my system...Logan if you are still there I want you to know that it was good for me too, but there was no need for this.

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