Garments DIY
1. We worship satan. (some do but most dont.and dont you forget it)
2. We are out to get your children (I dont think that concerns anybody mainly goths.)
3. goths are drug addicts (for those who dont have a life or bills perhaps)
4. goths only listen to goth music (this one i dont understand but I listen to everything (except country...dont be so limited)
5. goths hate preps (not so, i have prep friends and no i dont go around calling them preps  but for clothes sakes that is what they appear to be)
6. goths are depressed (if you have add or mental disorders maybe because i like to put it in my personal words..if you cant handle life kill yourself and quit moaping about it..and that is why i come to the next myth..)
7.goths are suicidal (when mommy or daddy get her the wrong shade of black for christmas she threatens to..until she gets her way or to get attention.  but for us adults we handle problems differently)
8. goths are overly into sex (alot of goths like sex because its human contact and gives them a sence of comfort, being alone isnt fun but most goths prefer to be alone anyway so where does sex come in?)
Goth Stereotypes
                                         Special thanks to The Forsaken :
I grew up in a very poor home and I am thankfull to have everything I have today because of my hard work and effort to succeed really.  Then again back in the days when i was indeed poor I had to make my own clothing it was extremely hard for me to buy something new and the only time i did is when I had enough money to buy Sunday (church) clothing.  Yes I went to church as a child,as if the rest of you didnt so crucify me for it.  I wanted to share a few tips because on the net they do not have much DIY goth, maybe they are afraid you might learn something..go figure.  I hope it comes in handy because it really helped me in my Gothic youth...(25 now hehehe) yes i am old.  Please take in consideration that you must follow everything step by step in order for it to work for you I am not responsible if it does not turn out exactly like you want it to.  Enjoy.
You will need:  regular pants (whatever color or shape), old garter belts (lookie in mommies closet tee hee), needle, thread, and scissors.
1. Take your pants and lay them out on the floor and find the thigh part of the pants.  Cut half of the thigh on both sides.  tip:  you could fold pants in half and cut it together to make sure both sides are even.

2. Put the top part of the pants aside and deal with the legs which by now should be cut.  cut five inches of fabric where the thighs would be until it reaches right above your knee. 

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