October 10, 2005
Blood Lust
This topic I'm sure when you clicked the (next) button you were just eager to know what this was all about.  In my few years of life I have been aquainted with many people but never have I met someone as intriguing as the couple I met yesterday night.  Their names Kevin and Mila  very beautiful Goth couple I might add.  I was a little drunk (just a little) and I was sitting at the bar with my girlfriends chatting away about nonsence I assume.  They come over to envite us to a Blood party.  I am not into blood lust at all but I needed to know more.  I have heard of people drinking each others blood and or playing with blood while having sex etc but they opened my eyes to a new world.  This guy (kevin) said he enjoyed giving the chick (Mila) oral sex while she was on her period.  (jaw drop!) yeah I was freaked out for a minute but then realized that it might not be too bad and if an orgasm was achieved it would probably hurt like hell.  Yet, I dont know what to really think of when someone tells me this turns them on.  Although I wouldnt mind bloodplay smearing of the blood is art and enticing at the same time.  I just mean to question the caution taken when doing so.  Its not like you will both meet at a bar admit to liking blood play and then discussing it over at the nearest department of health.  Hm, I dont know if this even comes to mind but it sure something to think about before you lickity split her bloody ( know). 
                                                     - Lorrie Mills
Name: Lorraine Mills
Pennsylvania, NJ
Current Location: 
PVC, composing music, making clothes and working.
Stuck up people, depressed people, and just people in general.
Favourite food:
Corn casserole and soul food
Worst food:
Mom and Dad dead in car accident
Blood type:
A positive
Working, bingo, picnics, hiking, bike riding, drawing, and alot of outdoor shit
offsprings, pearl jam, papa roach, cradle of filth, slipknot, tool, live, Namnambulu, Combichrist
Job: Hair salon by day, waitress by night
Anything else:
quit your moaning, have a cigarette and have some fun you fucking so called goths you make me sick... thank you.

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